Charities: Information Hub

Kia ora,

Charities are in many ways the backbone of New Zealand, delivering services, providing resources and support that strengthens our communities. We enjoy supporting the great work that charities do, whether that be assisting with setting up a new charity, updating existing charities, supporting with commercial or employment matters of charities and much more. In this information hub we have compiled our guides and articles to keep the charities sector well-resourced and up to date on the latest developments.

We welcome your questions and there is an FAQ with dozens of questions and answers below.

Ngā mihi nui

Steven Moe
Member of Charities Services Sector Group, XRB Advisory Panel, EHF Fellow
021 761 292

Interested in what other people had to say? You can see our Testimonials here.

Tax and Fundholding (NEW)

Charities and Tax Guide now available to download.

Examining the foundations of how and why we empower charities to have positive impact.

Charities and Tax

Monday 24th February 2025

In this free webinar Craig Fisher and Steven Moe will be discussing their recent paper “Charites & Tax” which is now available.

What are the policy reasons for or against taxing charities – what do they contribute – how do we measure that – what might business income that is taxed mean for them? Those and many other questions will be what we discuss in this session.

Launch of our Fundholding Paper

Tuesday 4th March 2025

Join this interactive launch of the new Briefing Paper on Fundholding. Prepared with consultation and input from many across the charity sector the paper discusses the situation where a charity holds funds on behalf of a new initiative (which is not a charity). The outcomes of attending will include:

  • An understanding on what is fundholding and when it is used
  • What are the key considerations and barriers to using this
  • Talking through a template fundholding agreement and the key provisions in it

Led by Steven Moe (Partner) and Dinuki Karunasekera (Solicitor) from Parry Field Lawyers, this will be a chance to ask questions and discuss in detail.

Our Free Guides Available to Download

Steven Moe sends out monthly emails which inform what is happening in the Impact Sector space and events that are coming up. If you would like to join the mailing list, you can subscribe by filling out the form on the right.

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FAQ: Our answers to 21 questions received (so far)

Incorporated Societies vs Charitable Trusts

Recent Articles

‘Officer’ Breached Health and Safety Duties

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Who is liable if there is a breach of health and safety? A new case gives us some insights. A former Port of Auckland CEO was found guilty for breaching his duties as an officer under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (the “Act”).…

What Happens if a Charity Goes Rogue Supporting Politicians?

A recent decision by Charities Services is a reminder that charities have restrictions around political activity. In late 2024 the charities regulator signalled its intention to deregister the Te Whānau o Waipareira Trust – the key reason…

Incorporated societies – the April 2026 deadline to reregister is looming

All incorporated societies in New Zealand need to reregister under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 by April 2026 or they will cease to exist and have their assets distributed. What does this mean in practice? The consequences are significant…

Steven’s Impact Sector Updates

October 2024 Impact Sector Update

Kia ora All, This update has free resource links and updates on events coming up including one this Friday for Incorporated Societies! Facilitated this discussion and the audio is up now as episode 409 of Seeds Podcast – this was on the…

Late August 2024 Impact Sector Update

Kia ora, A few updates, free resources, lunch in Auckland, conferences – feel free to hit forward to share this info! (and if you get this and want to join the 900 or so that get the email let me know). Season 3 of Board Matters which…

August 2024 Impact Sector Update

Kia ora All, This update is full of links to resources and upcoming things going on for your radar. First up, the very interesting conversation on the state of the economy with Shamubeel Eaqub is now up here…

Our Informative Videos

We have a series of informative videos that discuss changes that are happening, how to re-register and other action that needs to be taken.
Our contents below lets you know what the videos are about.

Video Contents

Contact us- Feel free to reach out to discuss with one of our experts in this area or let us know your enquiry below

Our Team