
Practical Considerations for Board Succession Planning

Succession planning is a critical component of effective governance…
02/09/2024/by Tasha Fraser

What Happens to Bequests When an Incorporated Society Transitions into a Charitable Trust?

We have helped many incorporated societies transition into charitable…
20/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Contract Assignment versus Contract Novation – What’s the Difference?

In the context of contract law, understanding the differences…
16/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Avoid Discrimination When Hiring out Church Venues

Many organisations choose to hire out their venues to the public…
13/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Climate-Related Disclosures: How this change will affect governance

Climate-Related Disclosures: How this change will affect governance…
12/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Resolving Disputes between Beneficiaries

An executor has a duty to carry out the provisions of the will.

12/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Family Protection Act Claims

What happens if a family member does not provide for you in their…
12/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

What Happens if a Trustee Loses the Mental Capacity?

Trustees have important duties. If a trustee lose their mental…
08/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Is Your Raffle Legal?

Raffles are a common way to raise money for worthy causes. What…
08/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Changing an Incorporated Society’s Name – How do you do it?

As you may know, all incorporated societies in New Zealand must…
06/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Change is coming – are you ready?

The Corporate Sustainability…
06/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

The Tax Benefit of Payroll Giving: How Does it Work?

Payroll giving occurs when employers enable their employees to…
05/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

What is my Duty as an Executor?

What duties apply to an executor?
We assist many people to prepare…
05/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Do I Have to be an Executor?

You may be surprised to be named as an executor in a friend or…
05/08/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Backdating of Charity Registration Applications: What is Possible?  

We are often asked when a charity will be registered after applying…
30/07/2024/by Tasha Fraser

How Much Could I Receive if Someone Breaks a Promise to me in their Will?

If you are able to demonstrate that a deceased person failed…
30/07/2024/by Tasha Fraser

What Happens if Someone’s Will Does not Leave me what they Promised?

What happens if someone promises to leave you something after…
30/07/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Hybrid Structures for Impact

As a charity your models have been built on a foundation that…
30/07/2024/by Tasha Fraser

What is the Minimum Age of a Trustee?  

What is the minimum age of a trustee?

We often get asked…
01/07/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Overseas Investment in New Zealand Land: What is the Process?

New Zealand welcomes foreign investment as a way to develop the…
18/06/2024/by Tasha Fraser

We Asked ChatGPT to Draft a Charitable Trust Deed: This is What Happened

ChatGPT is a chatbot that was released in November 2022 and it…
18/06/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Best Practice Minute-Taking

Why minutes matter

Accurate and thorough board minutes are…
14/06/2024/by Tasha Fraser

Best Practice Board Papers

Why good papers matter

Board papers help to ensure effective…
14/06/2024/by Tasha Fraser

ESOPS: When are Employees Shares Taxable?

Some employees are eligible to receive shares in the company…
10/06/2024/by Tasha Fraser
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