We often get asked questions about setting up charities – in fact we have helped set up more than 50 just in the last year! A common question is regarding the CT1 Form which is needed to incorporate as a charitable trust board (the form is here).

The form requires one of the trustee’s of the proposed charitable trust to: Solemnly and sincerely declare that:

  1.  I am one of the applicants under the application for incorporation submitted with this statutory declaration.
  2.  There are no trusts, other than those set out in the trust document, under which the applicants for incorporation hold any property.”

This is a requirement of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, section 10(2)(b) which echoes the wording above.  It requires a statutory declaration by one of the subscribers to the application to set out any trusts on which the applicant (proposed charitable trust) hold any property, that have not been set out in any document with the application.

Our view is that this is in regards to any trusts that are related to the proposed charitable trust. So, it is a declaration saying that the charitable trust wanting to incorporate has no other trusts which hold property on behalf of the proposed charitable trust. If there are trusts that exist then this needs to be set out in the document with the application.

If a proposed Trustee of such a Trust has a family trust, or is a member of another Trust, then we do not think it is trying to capture that information.

If you are wanting to incorporate as a charitable trust or have any questions about charities, please feel free to get in touch with out experts here at Parry Field Lawyers and check out our free resources for Charities at our site.


This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For advice specific to your situation, please contact a qualified legal professional. Reproduction is permitted with prior approval and credit to the source.

There are many reasons why a charity may wish to change its name; maybe the name is too similar to another organisation, or the name doesn’t easily get across what your charity is about. Maybe as time has gone on since you formed your charity, your purpose has changed, and you would like your name to reflect that.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to follow the correct process, let the appropriate services know, and are aware of potential implications of the change. It’s also important to note that the name change doesn’t affect the rights, obligations or liabilities of the board or committee. An organisation is bound by the commitments it makes regardless of a name change.

Note: Before changing your name, it is important to check that your name is not being used by another organisation, as you will be denied the new name if it is already taken. Onecheck is a great resource for this.

Who do I need to notify?

If you are an incorporated organisation it is important that you notify the Companies Office. If you are registered as a charity, it is important that you contact Charity Services and let them know too. This is to ensure that your details are publicly up to date on both registers.

If you are registered with both, you will have to apply for a name change with the Companies Office before you notify Charities Services.

It can also be useful to let your members or the public know of the name change, to ensure your community is kept up to date.

Note: We often see organisations wanting to use a te reo Māori name. We suggest consulting and getting advise on this as it is something that should be gifted (rather than using google translate!)


Updating your name through the Companies Office

If you’re updating your details online, you must have:

  • a RealMe login
  • an online services account with the Companies Office
  • authority to manage information for your charitable trust board.

If you do have the above, then you can change your organisation’s name following the below steps:

  1. Log in to your online services account.
  2. On the dashboard, select the charitable trust board you wish to update from ‘My Businesses’.
  3. On the ‘View Details’ page, select the ‘General Details’ tab, and click the ‘Change Name’ button.
  4. Enter the proposed new name, and to confirm it can be used, click ‘Name Availability Check’.
  5. If you have documentation to support your application, click ‘Upload’ to attach documents. Please note, these documents will not be available for public view.
  6. Complete the signatory details and click on ‘Submit’.

More information can be found here.


Updating your name through Charities Services

To update your name, simply login through the online portal and fill out the Update Details form online. You can also download and complete the paper form and send that in. Ensure that you have any information you may need on hand (for example if you are using the same name as another entity that will be wound up, ensure you have written consent). More information can be found here.

This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For advice specific to your situation, please contact a qualified legal professional. Reproduction is permitted with prior approval and credit to the source.


We often get asked by charitable trusts to help vary their trusts and we are always happy to assist.  In fact in the past year we have helped dozens through the process and assisted in preparing the documents needed.

A question often comes up though – whether the changes could unwittingly lead to what is known as a ‘resettlement’ of the Trust.  We are going to answer what that is and why this may be relevant to your charitable trust in this article.

Why might a Trust vary its Trust Deed?

The desire to vary the Trust Deed itself could be for a variety of reasons.  Some reasons we often hear from a group are:

  • the document itself is very out of date – perhaps even written on a typewriter;
  • the actual processes described in the Trust Deed are not even followed;
  • the way Trustees are appointed or removed could use a refresh;
  • the situation itself has changed – something fundamental is no longer the same; or
  • other reasons, such as having a rotation of Trustees with term limits would be beneficial.

These are all very good and common reasons to update a Trust Deed. Perhaps some may even apply to your charitable trust.

A requirement to consider if rules are “fit for purpose”?

In fact, due to the recent changes to the Charities Act 2005, Trustees need to confirm that the rules they have are “fit for purpose” every three years (see section 42G which is at the end of this article).  This includes not just a review of the Trust Deed but policies and procedures as well.

While we recommend a review of your charitable trust’s Trust Deed, it is also worth noting that if you decide to amend the purposes – which might seem like a good idea, then it could affect the Trust so much that it amounts to a ‘resettlement’, which might have consequences that are not intended.

The reason is that the Trust was set up for one purpose, or purposes, and if those purposes change enough, then it might result in the new purpose(s) being so different that the Trust itself has been resettled – in other words, a new Trust takes over from the original one.

Let’s consider how this might play out with a practical example.

Penguins or Children?

Jane has always loved penguins and wanted to help preserve them since she was a little girl.  She sold her tech company and decided to set up a charitable Trust by endowing it with $25 million dollars.  While she was the donor and set up the Trust itself, she asks 4 trustees to provide the governance of the new trust.

The Trust starts a rescue centre and works for 10 years for this purpose seeing thousands of people visit and get educated as well as saving many penguins every year.  The Trust purchases a large property to run a recovery centre for the Penguins.

However on the 10th anniversary the Trustees consider their Trust Deed as a result of attending some training by Parry Field Lawyers on how they need to make sure it is “fit for purpose”.

They have a strategy day away and among many parts of the Trust Deed they consider the purposes as well.  The Penguins are important but they realise that actually they are about education of the public about the environment – the Penguins are just one way that happens.

The Trustees decide to vary the purposes to emphasise the education of young children about the natural environment, and change the name of the recovery centre for Penguins to the “Environmental Education Centre for Children”.

The renewed focus is received well by everyone – except they forgot to include Jane, the donor.  Jane disagrees with the new focus and sends a strongly worded message to the Trustees, as well as filing a Court application challenging the decision and describing it as a resettlement.  The Attorney General takes an interest in this as well and the accountant – who they had not involved – mentions that there may be some major tax consequences as well…

Hopefully the point of this is clear.  Resettlement happens if the property of a trust is put into a different trust – this can happen if the purposes themselves change.

There could be two major consequences:

  • a donor or former trustee or someone else interested might bring a claim that the variation was not valid, and challenge it in Court; or
  • there could be tax consequences because if there has been a resettlement then that might trigger a transfer of the property the Trust holds (with tax resulting, potentially).

(Note that we are not tax specialists so you need to talk to an accountant – there are even more implications that they can outline for you but we just want to alert you to the issue.)

So what should you do?

For Trustees considering modifying their purpose they need to check that the purposes are essentially the same as they were before.

This will be a question of degree – but going too far introduces dangers.  It is worth spending time thinking about this issue though rather than changing the purposes without being aware.

But what about practical risk?

In our experience there is a “who cares” question – in other words, if you did vary the Trust Deed then is anyone going to actually object?  Is there an equivalent of the Jane in the story – or have they long since gone?

Our job is to point out the risks but it may be that the Trustees take on board the issue, consider it and then decide that they want to proceed anyway.

Either way, we hope this information has provided more clarity on why this can be an issue and how to consider it.

If you’d like to talk about your situation then feel free to get in touch with us.

The new section which introduces a requirement to consider if your rules are fit for purpose:

42G      Duty to review governance procedures

(1)       A charitable entity must review its governance procedures (whether those are set out in its rules or elsewhere) at least every 3 years.

(2)       When conducting a review under subsection (1), the charitable entity must consider whether its governance procedures:

  • (a)        are fit for purpose; and
  • (b)        assist the charitable entity to achieve its charitable purpose; and
  • (c)        assist the charitable entity to comply with the requirements of this Act.


We often get asked what it means to be a “reasonable” director under section 137 of the Companies Act 1993 (the “Act”). That section imposes a duty of care on all directors, requiring them to exercise “the care, diligence, and skill that a reasonable director would in the same circumstances”.

Section 137 of the Act sets a clear expectation for directors to act with care, diligence, and skill. By following the standard of a “reasonable director” and carefully considering the context of each decision, directors can help protect their companies, creditors, and themselves from potential liability.

Duty of Care under Section 137

The duty of care holds directors to an objective standard. This means that the courts will assess their conduct against that of a competent and diligent director, regardless of their personal experience or knowledge. This is a contrast to section 131 which has a subjective standard (based on what that director believed). A director must make decisions using the same level of care and attention that a reasonably competent director would in the same context. This standard ensures that all directors—whether newly appointed or experienced—are held accountable to the same expectations of responsibility.

However, this duty isn’t applied uniformly across all cases. The courts will also consider several factors specific to the director’s role and the company’s situation. These factors influence the level of care that is deemed reasonable, making the standard context-dependent. The factors include:

  1. Nature of the Company: A large, publicly listed company will have different governance expectations compared to a small, family-owned business.
  2. Nature of the Decision: Critical financial or strategic decisions will require more diligence than routine administrative matters. For example, entering a high-risk financial arrangement demands more scrutiny than minor operational decisions.
  3. Director’s Position: Executive directors, involved in daily management, will be held to a higher standard compared to non-executive directors who may have more of an oversight role. Executive directors are expected to have a more detailed understanding of the company’s operations and finances.

The courts apply the “reasonable director” test by evaluating whether the director acted in a manner that a reasonably competent director would have in the same position and under similar circumstances. For example, an executive director should be more aware of day-to-day business risks and financial health, especially when making decisions about continuing to trade in the face of potential insolvency.

Breaches of the Reasonable Director Standard

Directors who fail to meet the standard set out in section 137 risk being found in breach of their duties. Common scenarios where directors fall short of this standard include:

  1. Trading While Insolvent: One of the most frequent breaches involves continuing to trade when the company is unable to meet its debts as they fall due. Directors are expected to halt trading when insolvency is evident or imminent. Failing to do so can result in significant financial harm to creditors.
    • Case Example: In the Mainzeal case, directors were found liable for allowing the company to continue trading while insolvent, even though they relied on assurances of financial support from external sources. The court held that the directors failed to protect the interests of creditors, and their reliance on vague promises of support was unreasonable​.[1]
  2. Improper Transactions: Directors can be held responsible for engaging in or allowing improper transactions that harm the company or its stakeholders. This includes entering contracts or financial arrangements without proper due diligence, exposing the company to undue risk.
  3. Failure to Manage Financial Risks: Directors must monitor the company’s financial health and take action to address risks such as insolvency or declining revenues. Ignoring warnings can result in breaches of the duty of care.

Directors who breach section 137 may face personal liability for any losses incurred by the company or its creditors. Depending on the severity of the breach, directors could also be disqualified from serving on boards in the future. In extreme cases, where fraud or reckless conduct is involved, criminal charges may be brought against the director.

Guidance for Directors

To ensure compliance with section 137 and avoid personal liability, directors should consider the following guidelines:

  1. Understand Your Role: Be clear on your specific duties within the company. Are you responsible for daily operations (executive director), or do you have an oversight role (non-executive director)?
  2. Exercise Due Diligence: Make sure you have all the relevant information before making decisions. This includes understanding the company’s financial health and assessing the risks associated with major decisions.
  3. Consider the Context: The actions required of a director may vary depending on the size of the company and the nature of the decisions being made. Larger companies with complex operations may require greater scrutiny and involvement from directors.
  4. Seek Expert Advice: If you are unsure about a decision—especially one involving high financial risk—seek professional advice from lawyers, accountants, or other specialists. A reasonable director knows when to consult experts.
  5. Document Decisions: Keeping records of your decision-making process, including the information you relied on, can be helpful if your actions are later questioned in court.

We have also written a guide on Mainzeal and its implications here.

This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For advice specific to your situation, please contact a qualified legal professional. Reproduction is permitted with prior approval and credit to the source.

[1] Richard Ciliang Yan v Mainzeal Property and Construction Limited (in liq) [2023] 1 NZLR 296; [2023] NZSC 113.

We often get asked about what income (including business income) is exempt from taxation by our many charity clients.

In New Zealand, registered charities benefit from various tax exemptions. Inland Revenue released an interpretation statement (IS24/08) clarifying the rules around tax exemptions under section CW 42 of the  Income Tax Act 2007. This exemption allows certain income that a charity derives from business activities to be non-taxable, provided specific requirements are met. Here’s what charities need to know about this important exemption:

What is Business Income for Charities?

A charity’s income is categorised as either business or non-business income. Business income includes any income a charity earns through commercial activities, such as running a store or providing services for a fee. For example, if a charity operates an op shop or a café to fund its charitable purposes, the income generated from these activities can qualify as business income. This income may be exempt if certain conditions are met under section CW 42. On the other hand, non-business income, such as donations and gifts, are generally tax exempt under a different provision (section CW 41).

The Business Income Exemption

Under section CW 42, a charity’s business income can be exempt from tax if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The entity carrying on the business is a registered charity – The exemption applies only if the business is conducted by a charity that is registered under the Charities Act 2005.
  2. Charitable purposes must be carried out in New Zealand – To qualify for the exemption, the charity must apply its income towards charitable purposes within New Zealand. If any of the charity’s purposes are outside New Zealand, the income must be apportioned, and only the part used for New Zealand charitable purposes is exempt.
  3. The entity is a “tax charity” – This includes registered charities.
  4. Control restrictions – There must be no individuals or entities with control over the charity’s business who could divert the charity’s income for private benefit. Any breach of this control restriction would make the charity’s business income fully taxable.

Territorial and Control Restrictions

An important aspect of the exemption is the territorial restriction. If a charity’s purposes are not limited to New Zealand, the charity must apportion its income between New Zealand-based activities and those outside the country. Only the portion supporting New Zealand activities will be tax-exempt.

Additionally, the control restriction ensures that the charity’s business income is used solely for charitable purposes. If any person or entity can direct or divert income for personal gain, the entire business income will become taxable.

Key Takeaway for Charities

Charities involved in business activities should carefully assess their operations to ensure they meet the conditions for the business income tax exemption. This includes maintaining registration as a charity, focusing charitable efforts within New Zealand, and ensuring compliance with the control restriction. Failure to meet these conditions could result in the loss of the tax-exempt status for business income.

We can help charities that operate both in and outside New Zealand to document and implement business income-splitting practices to ensure compliance with the IRD’s guidance.

This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For advice specific to your situation, please contact a qualified legal professional. Reproduction is permitted with prior approval and credit to the source.

Succession planning is a critical component of effective governance for any board, whether it’s for a corporate entity, charity, or for-purpose organisation. In New Zealand, where governance practices are guided by both legal frameworks and best practice principles, succession planning ensures that a board remains dynamic, diverse, and capable of steering the organisation into the future. This article outlines some practical considerations to keep in mind when developing a succession plan for your board.

1. Primary Responsibility of the Current Board

Succession planning is one of the board’s most important responsibilities, ensuring continuity and stability during leadership transitions.

(a) Evaluating Leadership Roles

Start by assessing the current leadership. Who is your Chair and how long have they been in the role? It may be time to consider appointing a deputy Chair who can learn the ropes now and ensure a smooth transition when the time comes for the current Chair to step down. Planning ahead mitigates risks associated with abrupt leadership changes and maintains strategic continuity.

(b) Emphasising Diversity of Thought

When considering successors, resist the temptation to simply replicate the existing board members. Instead, focus on bringing in new perspectives. Diversity of thought fosters innovative solutions and more resilience. Actively seek out individuals who bring different experiences, skills, and viewpoints to the table. We have also created a Board Skills Matrix which you can access over here.

(c) Mapping Out a Succession Plan

A clear, structured succession plan is essential. Consider implementing a rotation schedule for trustees, this could be legally enshrined in your Trust Deed. For instance, a trustee might serve for a term of three years, renewable for another three years, with a maximum of three terms (3+3+3), after which they must stand down for at least a year. This ensures regular infusion of fresh ideas while maintaining experienced leadership.

(d) Encouraging Healthy Board Renewal

Term limits and rotation schedules naturally create opportunities for board renewal. These mechanisms facilitate necessary discussions about new leadership without making it personal. Focus these conversations on the organisation’s needs rather than individual preferences to prioritise the entity’s long-term success.

2. Utilising a Skills Matrix

A skills matrix is a valuable tool for evaluating the board’s current composition and identifying gaps in expertise or experience. This can be used to decide where there may be areas to bring people in on. By regularly updating the skills matrix, you can keep your board aligned with the evolving needs of the organisation. Here is ‘needs matrix’ example from SportNZ.

3. Long-Term Vision: “Where Will We Be in 50 Years?”

While succession planning often focuses on the near to medium term, it’s crucial to consider the long-term legacy of the current leadership. The question, “where will we be in 50 years?” encourages the board to think beyond immediate challenges, nurture potential leaders, anticipate future trend and position the board to respond to long-term challenges and opportunities.

4. Conclusion

Board succession planning is not just about filling seats—it’s about ensuring that the board remains effective, diverse, and forward-thinking. By taking a proactive approach, utilising tools like a skills matrix, and thinking long-term, your board can continue to provide strong governance that drives the organisation’s success for decades to come.

If you would like to listen to a short podcast on this topic, the Institute of Director’s have released an episode featuring a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors here where Steven Moe (the host of the show) talks through governance and board considerations.


If you need assistance in developing a succession plan tailored to your board’s needs or have legal questions regarding governance, contact one of our experts at Parry Field Lawyers.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For advice specific to your situation, please contact a qualified legal professional. Reproduction is permitted with prior approval and credit to the source.

We have helped many incorporated societies transition into charitable trusts and an issue that always arises is what happens to bequests to the incorporated society? The answer, in short, is “it depends”. This article will look at two situations; what happens to bequests when the incorporated society is wound up and what happens when the incorporated society is left as a shell entity.

Wound up incorporated society

Firstly, if a gift is left to an incorporated society that has been wound up, the executer would look to supporting documents that show a relationship with the trust and whether it is essentially the same entity. This would include, for example, the background section of the trust deed and the resolution to wind up and transfer assets from the society to the charitable trust.

The court may need to get involved if the executer is not satisfied the charitable trust is essentially the same as the incorporated society or where the wording of the Will is clear that the funds are only to go to the society. In this unlikely case, the court will seek to carry out the wishes of the Will-Maker when deciding which charitable entity to gift the funds to.

This means that even where there is a background section in the trust deed, there is no absolute certainty that the charitable trust will receive a bequest meant for the society. It is likely they will, due to the clear documentation that the charitable trust is essentially the same as the society, but there still remains a risk. Unfortunately, we have talked to MBIE about this and they cannot make any regulations for the new Act to remove this risk.

It is therefore advisable that if your incorporated society has transferred to a charitable trust, that you get in touch with your supporters and let them know they should amend their Wills. If you need help with this wording please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts here at Parry Field Lawyers.

Shell incorporated society entity

Secondly, whether bequests are paid to the charitable trust when the Will states it is to an incorporated society and/or quotes the charitable trust depends on what the Will says, how the executor feels about the bequests and if the residuary or other beneficiaries will raise issues.

Where a Will is clear that the bequest is for the incorporated society and it contains the Companies Office number or Charities Service number, the executor will generally be able to find the contact details for the society. It could then be explained to the executor that the charitable trust is undertaking the same work as the incorporated society. It will be at the executor’s discretion as to whether they transfer the funds to the charitable trust directly or require the funds to be transferred to the incorporated society. It would be prudent for the incorporated society to keep a bank account and to be active for this very reason, so it can transfer any bequests made to it.

The executor may be a close relative (e.g. child) of the Will-Maker who is aware of the Will-Maker’s wishes and can interpret the gift left in the Will to the society as being meant for the charitable trust. By contrast, the executor might be distanced from the Will-Maker or unaware of their involvement in the charitable trust and therefore unwilling to make the gift to the society.

A situation may arise where a beneficiary of the Will is challenging the gift made to the society, in which case it could be helpful to avoid any challenges to the validity of the gift itself.

These may be a reason to keep the society as a shell entity, to avoid a lot of these situations. It is prudent to consider how long you should leave the incorporated society as a shell for, as there may be some people who have drafted their Wills recently but won’t pass for a long time.

Some Wills contain a clause which discusses the “successor” entity which that would work in the charitable trust’s favour.  Alternatively, some Wills say that if a gift fails then it gets added to the residue, or if the provision falls short, then it automatically gets added to the residue, this would not be in the charitable trust’s favour.

We have helped many incorporated societies transition to a charitable trust and have an incorporated society information hub here and a charitable trust information hub here. This article is not a substitute for legal advice and our experts here at Parry Field Lawyers would be happy to answer any of your questions.

If you would like to discuss further, please contact one of our team on stevenmoe@parryfield.com sophietremewan@parryfield.com  or annemariemora@parryfield.com .

Many organisations choose to hire out their venues to the public when the venues are otherwise unused. While this can be an excellent way of bringing in funds, there are some pitfalls to be aware of including intentional or unintentional discrimination.

Discrimination on the basis of religion

In 2012, a Catholic Priest in the United Kingdom sought to ban its church hall being used for ‘spiritual yoga’, [1]  which was thought to be incompatible with the Catholic faith. Even if the yoga was incompatible, excluding the yoga teacher on the basis of religion would be illegal in New Zealand and grounds for a complaint of discrimination.

It may seem counter-intuitive that one religion cannot prevent people from an incompatible religion using their facilities, yet that is what the law says. [2]  Anyone who provides goods, facilities or services to the public or a group of the public cannot discriminate based on religion.[3] This includes treating someone less favourably based on religion when providing goods, facilities, or services.

If someone feels they are being discriminated against, they are entitled to make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission[4] or to take the matter to the Human Rights Review Tribunal.[5]

The legal test for whether behaviour is discriminatory is[6]:

  • Is there differential treatment or effects as between person or groups in analogous or comparable situations on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination; or
  • Does that differential treatment impose a material disadvantage.

If we apply this to the example of the church above, the yoga teacher may have been able to establish that they were discriminated against if the church hall had been readily hired by other members of the public or other religious groups. Banning the yoga teacher would arguably then have been ‘differential treatment’.

Can a church legally limit who uses its venues?

Section 44 of the HRA says it is unlawful for any person who supplies goods, facilities, or services to the public or to any section of the public to refuse or fail on demand to provide any other person with those goods, facilities, or services, by reason of any of the prohibited grounds of discrimination. Religion is a prohibited ground of discrimination. When it comes to a venue, the key word is ‘public’.

Going back to the example above, one option would be for the church to have a policy that its facilities are for private use, but exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis and subject to availability. This would give the church some discretion regarding who uses its facilities and would mitigate against accusations of discrimination. The downside is that the the venue might miss out on valuable funds from hiring its venues out publicly.

Another option would be to limit which parts of a venue or facility are able to be rented out.

This article is not a substitute for legal advice and our experts here at Parry Field Lawyers would be happy to answer any of your questions.

We have assisted a number of churches with ensuring their rental provisions comply with the law –  we would be delighted to assist you to. If you would like to discuss your options, please contact stevenmoe@parryfield.com  or annemariemora@parryfield.com.


[1] https://news.sky.com/story/catholic-church-bans-hindu-yoga-classes-10468941#:~:text=Instructor%20Cori%20Withell%20said%20the,was%20a%20Hindu%20religious%20activity.

[2] Human Rights Act 1993, section 21(1)(d).

[3] As above, section 44(1)(a) and (b).

[4] https://tikatangata.org.nz/resources-and-support/make-a-complaint

[5] https://www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals/human-rights/

[6] Ministry of Health v Atkinson [2012] NZCA.

Climate-Related Disclosures: How this change will affect governance

In January 2023, the External Reporting Board (XRB) issued a framework of Climate Standards to facilitate the aim for Aotearoa New Zealand to ensure capital is allocated to activities which promote the transition to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future. To foster this objective it produced three climate-related disclosures (NZ CS 1, 2 and 3) for some entities to comply with.

In this article we breakdown the requirements because while currently it applies to the largest companies, it is likely to apply to others in the future as well. This will increasingly impact governance and reporting responsibilities for directors in the future.

NZ CS 1, 2 and 3

The first Climate Standard (NZ CS 1) sets out disclosure requirements for Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics, and Targets so entities consider how their activities raise climate-related risks and opportunities. It applies to entities that must prepare climate statements, by virtue of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, to comply with the framework.

The second climate-related disclosure standards (NZ CS 2) allows for exemptions from the disclosure requirements to recognise that high-quality disclosures will likely take time to develop. Entities may use adoption provisions 1 to 4 (see exemptions underlined) under the NZ CS 2 during their first reporting period. Entities in their first, second and third reporting period can use adoption provisions 5 to 7 (see exemptions in italic underlined) and provisions 6 and 7 are available to entities who have previously prepared climate statements but not in the immediately preceding reporting period.

Under NZ CS 1 entities are required to disclose the following for each area:


  • The governance body responsible for overseeing climate-related risks and opportunities along with a description of their role and the body’s: processes, frequency of being informed, skills and competencies available to give oversight, way of considering risks and opportunities when implementing strategies and how it oversees the achievement of metrics and targets;
  • The management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities, including how responsibilities are assigned to management-level positions/committees and when and how they engage with the governance body.


  • The entities’ current climate-related impacts (physical, transition and financial);
  • The scenario analysis used to identify climate-related risks and opportunities and its business models’ resilience, including how it analysed 1.5 degrees Celsius, 3 degrees Celsius or greater, and a third climate-related scenarios.
  • The short, medium and long-term climate-related risks and opportunities and its links to strategic and capital plans, and decision-making processes around funding;
  • Anticipated impacts, including financial impacts, of climate-related risks and opportunities the entity reasonably expects;
  • Information regarding its current business model, strategy, business plan, internal capital deployment and decision-making to show how it will arrange itself while the global and domestic economy moves toward a low-emissions, climate-resilient future.


  • Processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks and how these are integrated into its overall risk assessment processes by describing: the tools/methods used to identify and assess the scope, size and impact of the risk (and how frequently this is done), the short, medium and long term horizons, how the entity prioritises climate-related-risks in relation to other risks, and whether parts of the value chain are excluded.

Metrics and Targets

  • Relevant metrics of: gross greenhouse gas emissions (including standards used to measure this, the approach used, the sources of emission factors and global warming potential) and its intensity, transition and physical risks, the amount of assets, business activities, expenditure, financing, investment or remuneration aligned with or used toward climate-related opportunities and risks, and internal emissions prices;
  • Relevant industry-based metrics of the entities’ industry or business model, as well as other performance indicators, used to measure and manage climate-related risks and opportunities;
  • The targets used, and their performance, to manage climate-related risks and opportunities including information about timeframes, interim targets, the base year to measure progress from, descriptions of performance, and for each greenhouse gas emissions target: whether they have an absolute or intensity target, how it contributes to global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (and its basis for determining this), and the extent the target relies on offsets (and how these are verified);

NZ CS 3 sets out the following principles and general requirements to provide for high-quality climate-related disclosures:

  • Disclosures must achieve a fair presentation by meeting NZ CS 3 principles;
  • Disclosures must be relevant (i.e. capable of affecting primary users’ decisions), accurate (free from material error), verifiable (possible to corroborate information), comparable (enables primary users to understand similarities and differences in and among items), consistent (uses the same method from each reporting period), timely (available for primary users to make decisions in time);
  • The presentation of disclosures must be balanced (free from bias and manipulation), understandable (with clear and concise information), complete (does not leave out details that may result in information being false or misleading), coherent (presentation of disclosures explains context and relationships with other disclosures);
  • Disclosures may be prepared as a specific document or included within other documents such as annual reports;
  • When determining its climate-related risks and opportunities an entity is to consider the exposure of its value chain too (the range of activities, resources and relationships of an entity’s business model and external environmental it operates in);
  • Entities are to prepare climate-related disclosures for the same reporting period as its annual financial statements and use the same presentation currency that is in their financial statements;
  • Information must be disclosed where it is material (i.e. if leaving it out or obscuring it may reasonably influence primary user decisions);
  • Comparative information is to be disclosed for each metric for the immediately preceding two reporting periods and their trends, and changes to the methods of disclosure are to be explained to enable consistency;
  • Entities are to disclose their methods, assumptions and data and estimation uncertainty as well as methods, assumptions and limitations of methods to estimate greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Entities who comply with the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards are to have a statement of compliance.

Exemptions under NZ CS 2

Entities who are in their first reporting period may adopt provisions 1 to 4 to be exempt from disclosing:

  1. The entities’ current financial impacts of physical and transition climate-related impacts under paragraph 12(b) of NZ CS 1 (see ‘Strategy’ above).
  2. Anticipated financial impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities the entity reasonably expects under paragraph 15(b) of NZ CS 1 (see ‘Strategy’ above).
  3. Information regarding its current business model, strategy, business plan, internal capital deployment under paragraphs 16(b) and 16(c) of NZ CS 1 (see ‘Strategy’ above).
  4. Gross greenhouse gas emissions under paragraph 22(a)(iii) of NZ CS 1 (see ‘Metrics and Targets above).

Entities who are in their first, second or third reporting period may adopt provisions 5 to 7 to be exempt from disclosure of:

  1. Comparative metric information for immediately preceding two reporting periods under paragraph 40 of NZ CS 3, where entities have used adoption provision 4 above they are exempt from greenhouse gas emission metrics in second and third reporting periods (see NZ CS 3 principles above);
  2. Comparative metric information disclosure for the immediately preceding two reporting periods under paragraph 40 of NZ CS 3 for entities in their first reporting period are only required to provide one year comparative information in their second report period (see NZ CS 3 principles above);
  3. Comparative metric trend analysis from previous reporting periods to the current reporting period where entities are in their first and second reporting periods (see NZ CS 3 principles above);

Entities who have previously prepared climate statements but not in the immediately preceding reporting period may use adoption provisions 6 and 7 above too.


If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts at Parry Field Lawyers- stevenmoe@parryfield.comyangsu@parryfield.com, sophietremewan@parryfield.com, michaelbelay@parryfield.com or annemariemora@parryfield.com

This article is general in nature and is not a substitute for legal advice. You should talk to a lawyer about your specific situation. Reproduction is permitted with prior approval and credit being given back to the source.