We are fortunate in Christchurch to have a great ecosystem supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups. One of the weekly events that I always encourage people to head along to is Coffee & Jam which has been running every Tuesday at EPIC from 12:30-1:30 for many years.
The hour long format is simple – a pitch from a start-up or established entrepreneur. A break in the middle for networking. Another pitch, often with an educational or social enterprise slant. A shout out time to inform others of things going on in the community. All this is delivered with the food and drink of the title promised in the form of both coffee and jam (great bread and spreads).
We’ve presented a couple of times and it is always a very welcoming and friendly crowd. Here are some videos:
The time we juggled talking about start-ups
The time we chatted about Seeds Podcast
I asked Jack Whittam, who was an intern at Parry Field Lawyers over the summer of 2018-2019, what he thought of his first visit and he said: “The foundations of Coffee and Jam are a show reel of what Christchurch has learnt from its own shaky foundations; innovation, courage, and at the centre – community. In an age where self-promotion is vital for business exposure, it was encouraging to see this done in a way that is friendly, unpretentious, and gives value to others by sharing from both failures and success.”
To find out more, visit here