As you may know, all incorporated societies in New Zealand must re-register under the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 (the “new Act”). If this is news to you, we have written an article about it here.
The new Act requires a society’s name to end with either ‘Manatōpū’, ‘Incorporated’ or ‘Inc’ (or more than one of these if you so wish). However, to change your society’s name, even just one word, you must reregister first then apply to the Registrar for a name change.
To change the name of your society, you need a RealMe® login, an Incorporated Societies Register online services account, and you need the requisite authority in your society to manage information on your society’s register. You need to log into your online services account and select ‘Name Change’ on the ‘View Details’ page and type in the new name. You may click ‘Name availability check’ to make sure you can use the name. If there are any documents in support of your name change (i.e. if another entity has provided consent for you to use the name) you should include these. Then, after completing the signatory details you can submit it. See Companies Office for more information about naming your society here.
The Registrar must then approve the name and will send an email confirmation that they have registered the change within three working days. An updated Certificate of Incorporation will be sent to you. You do not need to update your society’s constitution as it will be treated as having the new name; however, this should be done in your next general meeting.
We have supported many incorporated societies and produce many free guides and resources on our Incorporated Societies information hub here. This article is not a substitute to legal advice and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our experts here at Parry Field Lawyers.
We help with unincorporated and incorporated societies and answer questions all the time. If you would like to discuss further, please contact one of our team on or