Kia ora All – great to have almost 40 of you join the Impact Call last Friday.  This is a chance to connect with others involved in impact in different ways that might be different to us, and share stories and learn.

The video is now up here and feel free to share this and if anyone wants to join the list of more than 600 of you just have them drop me a line.

Index of call:

00:00 – Intro to the call, context, key updates

05:46 – Tim Pare on The Funding Network and the programs they run; and

19:42 – James Stewart on Gemelli Consulting and the work they do helping plan and assess impact focussed projects

33:08 – Breakout rooms feedback (thanks all for your insights!)

44:58 – End

Because Michelle Berriman could not join (as she was getting a Covid test just before the call) she will join us next one instead to share about the research report that FINZ are releasing.  Also joining will be Sue McCabe the CE of Philanthropy NZ to share about their new initiative Match | Te Puna Taurite which is about to launch and provide “a more equitable, accessible and collaborative funding system”

If you come across interesting resources feel free to share and I can pass on to others – for example I saw that for small charities in Tier 4 the XRB have released a simple format to use for reporting here.

See those who can join on Friday 25th March for the next call!

Ngaa mihi,


Kia ora All,

Here is the recording of the final impact call of the year last Friday and index is below, where I shared about Community Finance, book on reimagining business and seeds podcast as well as the first time I’ve talked about a conference planned for October 2022 in Christchurch for 1,400 on the theme of Impact – am seeking more organisations to get behind and support it (there are about 80 so far, would yours like to join and provide a logo?).  Info

Index of the call:

00:00: Intro

01:54: Community Finance introduction

06:07: Answering questions on Community Finance

17:44: Sharing about book on Reimagining Business

20:55: Sharing about Impact Conference in October 2022

28:11: Sharing about Seeds Podcast

31:11: Feedback from breakout rooms

43:05: Ends



Also, Chris House from Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs has another short update: “We have now published the decision on the briefing topic we discussed at the call on 17 November. The final topic is: “How can community participation and decision-making be better enabled by technology?” There is more information about the topic and what we heard on our website, including a summary of the themes specifically from the November call on page 8 of the Topic Decision document. We will keep people updated directly and through Steven on opportunities to be involved as the briefing develops. Thanks again to everyone who has helped shape this mahi.  We hope you all have a fantastic summer break.”

If you are looking for road trip listening this week will be episode 289 of seeds podcast and just did a collection of 30 conversations with those involved in EHF that may interest here

Be watching out for info on the conference in October 2022 – likely 27/28th in Christchurch for 1,400 is the plan.

Will send out meeting invite next year for the next time we gather which is likely in late February.  It will be for all the meetings that year so if you accept it they all go in your diary.  Have a great restful break all!!

Ka mihi


Thank you to the over 40 people who joined our October Impact Sector Update Call session on Friday the 15th and thanks again to John Morrow for sharing key highlights of the JB Were Cause report and answering so many questions we all had.  The video is now up so if you missed it or want to watch again then you can and feel free to tag in others who might appreciate it.

Also, thanks to Andrew Phillips for the Charities Services update and many of you for the comments on what was discussed in the breakout rooms part of the call.  For a quick link to the Cause Report check it out here.

We will meet again in December but in between will be sending out a copy of the book of essays, mentioned below in other recent items of interest, when it is released in early November and don’t forget there are a whole bunch of links and info in the email below as well on upcoming things.  Last, some of you might enjoy this recent seeds conversation about purpose and many other things with Tim Jones – good for commutes.

Other recent items that may interest (thanks to those who sent things in):

    • Recently did a session for Queenstown Startup Lakes on zoom and the video is here – it started focussed on business but we ended up discussing a variety of structures for impact, may interest

Hope that was helpful and if you have missed any of the previous Impact Sector Calls you can find them here:

Thanks to the almost 50 who joined the zoom call on Friday – here is the recording for those who wanted to be there, want to revisit or to share with others:


00:00:   Welcome
02:32:   Arron Perriam on Community Foundations of New Zealand (slides also attached)
10:58:   Peter “Razor” Reynolds on Moral Compass
15:31:   Andrew Phillips with a Charities Services update
20:19:   Vicki-Anne Parker on NZ Gifts of Love and Strength
25:59:   Colin Magee on Catalist (fundraising means for impact driven projects)
34:42:   Katie Sherriff and Rodney Barber (impromptu) on improving engagement with Government
41:29:   Break out room feedback from 6 groups
51:52:   End

More resources and links are below:

Hope that was helpful and if you are looking for some inspiration or information to watch while we are in lockdown then the other most recent update calls are here:

On Friday the 18th of June we had our Impact Sector Update call and the link to the video is now here.  The aim here is to connect and encourage those involved in impact of various kinds. Thanks to those who shared variety of stories which was awesome to hear and gave a real taste of some of the good that is being done across the country.  The next call will be on Friday 20 August – feel free to pass this article on to others who may be interested or it is posted here on Linked In to tag people, and note resources and links down below.


Key points:

  • 00:00  Welcome from Steven Moe
  • 01:26  Sarah Grant on Kia Kotahi Ako Trust (info below)
  • 06:13  Erica Austin on the upcoming Aotearoa SDG Summit Series (info below)
  • 12:39  Courtney Ennor on Supergenerous, helping claim back tax rebates (info below)
  • 17:55  Francesca Ephraim with a Charities Services update (info below)
  • 21:34  Heidi Quinn on National Volunteering Week (on now) – “Recognise, connect, reimagine…”
  • 23:22  Intro to Breakout rooms
  • 24:27  Reporting back from each of the groups in breakouts on key trends (such as …. watch to find out).
  • 36:41  End

Info on what was mentioned on the call by the speakers

  • Kia Kotahi Ako: solving otherwise impossible problems through education and learning.   Focusing on incubating community projects that are tackling climate change and wellbeing.  ASKS: we’d love to hear from any funders who are interested in this kaupapa. We’ve raised $80k out of our first $400k. Also keen to connect with other projects in this area to see how we can collaborate and do more together.
  • Supergenerous information pack is attached to this email.  Supergenerous is a digital service that automates the process of claiming donation rebates. Requiring just a couple of minutes from donors to sign up — they can effortlessly regift 33% of their past donations back to the charities they support. Courtney can be reached at if you have questions.
  • The 2021 Aotearoa SDG Summit is coming to Ōtautahi Christchurch on 2 – 3 September! Want to be a part of an epic two-day Summit event at the University of Canterbury, focused on connecting, learning, and collaborating for urgent systemic change? Early Bird Tickets are now live – get yours at ly/2021sdgsummit before 24 June and get free access to Online Hui #3!  You’ll be inspired with two days of participant-led sessions, workshops, creative stations, activations and field trips, plus fill your stomach & soul at the Community Feast dinner.  What does 2030 look like to you? Head to for registration & all event details. All ticket prices are GST inclusive and 100% of profits from booking fees will be directed to giving the gift of education through our ticketing platform, Humanitix.

  • Charities Services update – A few updates from us:
    • We ran a webinar on 2 June about different structures charities can have. The video of that is now up on our website.
    • We also presented at a webinar run by CAANZ on 14 May about changes to trust law.
    • We’re publishing new content on our website. We just put a new page up about other legal obligations for charities. We’re also planning to add and update pages and resources on our website over the next little while.
    • Our June newsletter is going to come out next week. Our big focus is National Volunteer week. But we’re also including governance links, busting some myths, and providing updates from wider government.
    • We’re looking at our engagement over the next year. If there are any significant events in your region that we could add value to, get in touch.

A few other things for your radar:

  • Catalist are a new initiative worth checking out here Catalist – a platform for growth – Colin will speak at the next catch up.  In summary, Catalist is a new type of stock exchange that makes it economical for SMEs and impact investments to be listed and raise funds from the general public.  Particularly for you looking at alternative funding models/social enterprise structures etc this could be worth looking into.
  • Francesca Ephraim passed on: 100 Diverse, Board-Ready Chairs and Directors, to properly reflect NZ society in the 21st century and to ensure all talent is in the board room. Diversity includes diverse thinking, socio-economic status, diverse professional backgrounds as well as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religious beliefs and an intersection of those characteristics. See the Diverse Thinking Capability Audit of NZ Boardrooms published by the Superdiversity Institute in 2018 and an article from Stuff here.
  • Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand have sent info on an upcoming conference on Philanthropy in the Age of COVID-19: Asian and Global Perspectives. CLAANZ Chair, Professor Matthew Harding, is one of the keynote speakers.  No charge to attend – see email attached.
  • Link to the “Chairing the Board” series of four videos for community governance here.
  • National Volunteer Week info National Volunteer Week – Weaving The People Together
  • Charities Services just put out their latest newsletter which is here.
  • There are some more resources below the sign off but also in this email chain too so not repeating all of those here…
  • For those interested in agile contracts, just co-wrote an article for Stuff on what they are and how they can promote creativity and innovation with Louisa Taylor here.

Be watching out for next call in 2 months, and feel free to send on information that may be of interest

More relevant materials online sent to Nelson impact structuring seminar:

Doing Business in NZ guide:

Article on impact investing

Impact Investing report from CSI

My story in 6 minutes–generational-legacy-and-kaitiakitanga

Stewardship options ownership report

Article on role of charities

Seeds Podcast with 250+ interviews and other info and videos I do

Social Enterprise Book

Charities and tough questions when thinking about change:

Guide for Churches:

Article on creatives and governance

Article on new legal structures for purpose driven business

Structuring for Impact and legal structures in NZ report

Thanks to all who joined the video call yesterday – great to have 45 of you listen in to the first one for the year with a refreshed format on zoom and then have some break out room discussions too – am sending out this video link of the recording while fresh.  Why not watch this instead of Netflix and get some fresh updates that matter!

The kaupapa/purpose of these catch ups every two months is to connect across the “for purpose” impact sector so that we can get out of our silos, hear about what others are doing and learn from each other.  Next call will be on June 18th (calendar appointment sent before, let me know if you want resent – it was for all the meetings in 2021).

I actually felt super energised and inspired after the call and especially hearing two stories of new charities that have started to help meet diverse needs in our society (Our Little Village + Makingtrax).  Thank you Sue, Louise, Francesca, Anna and Jezza for sharing on a wide variety of things they are seeing in their mahi, summarised further below – they are copied as some of you may want to contact them if you saw synergies or had questions or saw ways you could help?  This email can be forwarded on to others who would be interested and if they let me know can add them to the list too.  Order of speakers and place in video:

  • Louise Aitken CEO of Ākina on social enterprise, Impact Initiative and more: from 2:56
  • Sue McCabe CEO of Philanthropy NZ on their upcoming summit and more: 11:34
  • Francesca Ephraim on Charities Services and review of Charities Act update (also written summary below): 21:17
  • Anna Judge on founding ‘Our Little Village’: 27:54
  • Jezza Williams on founding Makingtrax: 35:25
  • Break out rooms reporting back on what each group is seeing “at the coal face”:  51:23



We have just released a free 55 page guidebook for Charities which is downloadable and covers setting up, structure options, operating, liability, duties, leases, employment, impact investing, social enterprise etc – when things take a year or so to compile it is strange to finally release them, but here you go!!: This joins our articles, videos, templates and more at our website as well as the Doing Business in NZ guide and Social Enterprise book and Start-ups Legal Toolkit book.


A few other updates and so on your radar:

  • Jezza Williams shared about Makingtrax – here is the website for more on that 
    • Jezza shared his personal story of how a life changing accident 10 years ago inspired him to start Makingtrax a company, which has now transitioned into a charity, which focuses on providing inclusive tourism for disabled people. The focus for Jezza is to educate the public on inclusive tourism and developing adaptive technology to allow for inclusive adventure. Jezza wants to challenge public perception of what it means to be disabled and empower people living with disabilities through the power of adventure. Listen to his part on the video and guarantee you will feel inspired!
  • Anna Judge shared about ‘Our Little Village’ – website: 
    • Anna shared with us her story of how she founded Our Little Village. The charity was created from her experience with child birth and the challenges she faced, as a mother. With the support of her family and guidance of a doctor, she made it through the challenges but was the experience inspired to start Our Little Village, the name for which is inspired from a comment by her doctor saying it takes a village to raise a child. With the charity up and running Anna is now working with others doing similar work and with support from Ronald McDonald house is well on their way to delivering 20 packages to new mothers to support them with their needs.
  • On Wednesday 12 May we (Parry Field Lawyers) will be hosting the Privacy Commissioner to give a talk about Charities/NFPs and privacy obligations in light of the new Privacy Act.  This will be held in person in Christchurch with limited numbers, but also with the chance to join by Zoom – more information and to book is here.   More than 50 have signed up already.
  • The Philanthropy NZ conference is coming up 18 – 20 May – see here for info and early bird registration details.  On the call Sue shared that the upcoming summit is designed for funders to discuss their challenges.
    • The full programme is mainly for funders, it will include a keynote package that all can attend
    • Title is “Amplifying Community Aspirations”
      • Intention is to have different voices from different communities voice their challenges and needs
      • Speakers presenting from a Maori perspective and from under served communities
    • They also have other covering global issues of inequality, black lives matter etc.
  • Am sure some of you will be interested in growth of impact investing – I am the Chair of Community Finance which just raised $40m last year and have $70m+ pledged for this year all for social housing.  If you want to know more then have a look here
  • IOD have a conference in Auckland 5-6 May described here.  I’ll be going along to that one so maybe see some of you there.
  • Have you come across Exult? Megan was on the call – their purpose is to help non profits grow – check them out at  They have a magazine too: “Never miss a funding opportunity again. Subscribe to Tonic Magazine and get loads of ideas, information and advice, including a list of upcoming funding rounds, in every issue. It’s NZ’s most comprehensive publication for the community sector.”
  • The new Trusts Act – an opportunity to revisit your rules?  Article on this
  • Fundholding paper – pulling in all the feedback on the draft white paper, will send it around later hopefully by next call.
  • Kate Frykberg’s done a helpful overview of funding sources in Aotearoa – check it out here.
  • Impact investing – this is more and more relevant for Charities and others as a means to outwork purposes, see this recent overview from CSI
  • The seeds podcast I’ve been doing just hit 250 episodes interviewing inspiring people – you can find out more at

  • Latest episode 250 I shared the 15 things I wish I had known when I was 17 as I gave a talk on that at the high school I attended It was fun although actually it all still applies to me even now…

Update from Francesca at Charities Services:

  • Our GM, Natasha Weight has recently returned from parental leave.
  • You’ll have seen the modernisation of Charities Act is back underway, you’ll see a comprehensive update on the Policy Group website.  Just a reminder, we aren’t part of this process, this is a separate branch of the Department of Internal Affairs – you can contact them by emailing or Modernising the Charities Act 2005 – Questions and Answers –
  • Key focus areas include:
    • The obligations of charities including annual reporting requirements for small charities
    • Whether the regulators powers, decision-making and accountability to the sector is appropriate, and the accessibility of appeals under the current structure.
    • Charitable business and accumulation of funds
  • The Incorporated Societies Act is currently open for submissions. This is a big change for a lot of societies. Submissions close on 28 May date.
  • The Trusts Act also changed this year which impacts on charities. Charities Services will be participating in a webinar on the changes sometime in May, but we published a blog explaining the changes, and keen on hearing your feedback.  Sign up to the Charities Services newsletter on our website and like us on Facebook if you want to know when the webinar will take place.
  • We are resuming our in-person engagement that we committed in 2019 after we received feedback that charities wanted to see us in person more. We’ve attended a few workshops in the greater Wellington region and Nelson. We are currently planning on a more systematic engagement for the next few years, where we’ll try to get around the country. We’ll be visiting Christchurch on 26th May, which will include in person clinics.
  • One of our main priorities this year is a change to our IT system. This is mainly to improve security, but will also involve some changes to charities online portals, but this will be communicated via email closer to the date.
  • Our new formed charities sector group will be meeting in May and you can read about what is discussed on our website . You can also read about research in the charities sector in our brand-new research page.
  • But as always, we really do want to hear from you, how are things going, what could we be doing more of, less of, don’t hesitate to get in contact –


In case you read this far (impressive!) and are wondering about who I am and why I am active in this area, this is a short 6 minute “Pechakucha” video where I shared my story in 20 slides for 20 seconds each:–generational-legacy-and-kaitiakitanga