Kia ora All!

Hope you are all well, here are a few updates and upcoming things including an “Ask Me Anything”!:

  • We are closing off our ‘for purpose’ organisations survey tomorrow – thanks to the 41 people who have filled it in already, and you can still fill it in here:

  • Watch this space … on 5 October am planning an impact event… more to come.  This will be an online conference.
  • For any accountants, I’ll be sharing at an event soon in May on avoiding risks, staying safe and supporting your clients: legal advice – info is here
    • Capital raising dos and do nots– key questions you should ask about your money raising options
    • Contracts and the key provisions that you should be aware of
    • Legal structure options – which are best? Companies, Trusts, Incorporated Societies and what this means for your organisation
    • Director Duties: What do you need to know as an accountant in business – and are they changing?

  • Recently hosted a session for Entre on Founders and things they have learned over here, it may interest you too!  There are now more than 340 episodes of seeds at

I am up at Hanmer Springs, at a strategy session for Parry Field Lawyers over two days, here is a photo from Conical Hill!



Kia ora koutou katoa

My thoughts are with all of you in difficulty as a result of the cyclone and storms.

Welcome to the first Impact email of the year – to kick start the year we have created a short survey as we thought it might yield some nice perspectives – was talking to MBIE on some of these questions and they are curious what you all will say!  You can access it here and we would like responses by Friday 24th March:  Also, could you tell others you know about it or put in any newsletters you know of?

Also, this year am on a mission to make the law more accessible so will be doing an “ask me anything” on legal questions soon – am open to questions on anything and so far have had some on the FMA and capital raising, Confidentiality Agreements and overseas charitable work – real variety!  Send your difficult questions by hitting reply.  More info and a video is at this LinkedIn post or you can register for the zoom session on 31 March here.

This year will hold the Impact Calls on a more ad hoc basis – when an issue comes up or someone to talk to – so be watching out for them too!

Our law firm now with 80 staff just moved back into central city Christchurch and was profiled in this stuff article, may interest you as talks a lot about the earthquakes as well and what it has been like returning.

By the way I had a great break over Christmas travelling in Europe, and feel ready for the new year!  How was your break – does it feel like a long time ago?

Ngā mihi nui


Kia ora All,

Some updates in this message below and also was just asked to host a final free zoom Tuesday 13th December at noon on why Banks become a big barrier for charities and for purpose organisations to achieve their work.  Will be in conversation with Ros Rice of Community Networks Aotearoa who are leading some research and Dr Jane Horan as well.  You can sign up for it here.   I’ve helped set up probably 40 or so charities in the last year – our guide is here – and so many of them report that becoming a registered charity was far easier than simply opening a bank account due to AML and other requirements of banks.  Participating in this survey being done may help change things.  As usual feel free to hit “forward” on this to tell others or like/share this post about it…

This Friday is the deadline for submissions on the Charities Act changes.  In the email below are links to the 4 sessions held during November on key issues.  That was sent to the 400+ who attended one or more of those sessions.

Last week’s impact call have split into two audio episodes of seeds:

Spoke at Assembly of Investment Chairs in Auckland last week and this is a post about it as may interest if you are into impact investing and climate change.

Attached is information about a survey related to carbon offsetting – may be relevant to some of you to fill in?  This is what Dr Sebastian Gehricke wrote:  Associate Professor Sara Walton, Andre Poyser (PhD student) and myself are currently working on a research project for the Forestry Management Advisory Group (FMAG) on carbon offsetting. I was wondering if you might be able to help us distribute a survey to leaders within Businesses across New Zealand. A big benefit of responding to the survey, is to have FMAG hear our business leaders opinions/views on offsetting and carbon reduction more generally. I have provided a short summary of the project and benefits to respondents in the attached.  Here is his email: Sebastian Gehricke

Just wrote a short piece set in 2050 asking questions about autonomous vehicles that may interest

Am currently turning this short story into a short picture book – fun process – you might enjoy it, on why our work matters (and if you’d be interested in a copy of the book let me know)

I get on a plane in one week to head to Europe – travel is possible again – hope you all get a great chance to relax and recharge in coming months, and keep up the great work! 😊

Ngā mihi,


Kia ora, some key points to draw to your attention:

1. More than 120 have already signed up for a one off call this Friday at noon to discuss the Charities Amendment Bill – Sue Barker will join me to update people.  We are concerned as there is only very limited time to submit so want to educate people about key points and what may change (submissions due by November 10th!).  Sign ups are here.  Feel free to fwd this on.

2. On last Impact Call Cheryl Spain joined sharing on The Gift Trust – insights into alternative ways of giving, fundholding and how they operate – now episode 326 of seeds podcast and you can listen here.  Thanks Cheryl for joining – next impact call will be Friday 21st as I think we will want to discuss again the Charities Bill sooner than end of month – and I am at an EHF event on the Friday 28th.

3. Below are some interesting articles and links and upcoming events and other things.

  • What if the trees had a say?: Wrote an article with two others for the IOD on governance and nature: Read the article  “This opinion piece from Dr Elizabeth Macpherson & Dr David J Jefferson from the University of Canterbury and Steven Moe MInstD, presents four implications of the extension of legal person-hood to living ecosystems.”
  • Could Socrates have saved Kodak? thanks for the tag Craig Fisher.  Some good questions at the end.  “It is possible to learn how to ask better questions, both as individuals and as a business, and by doing so build a culture of open-minded inquiry that will help you react and adapt at pace.”


  • Have you seen the Match website?  “Match | Te Puna Taurite (MTPT) helps both those seeking and distributing philanthropic and grant funding. The vision of Match | Te Puna Taurite is a more equitable, accessible and collaborative funding system. It aims to connect those with funds to those that seek them.”



  • We are holding a free session on “Real Founders’ Stories” and the true issues they face next Wednesday with three amazing people – Elise Hilliam a founder of MenuAid, Sarah Grant a founder of Magic Beans and Nathan Taylor a founder of Partly – info and sign ups are here  We want to remove the glamour to talk about the real issues founders’ face.





  • A shout out to Community Foundations of NZ – have you checked out what they do facilitating ways of giving regionally?  Smart giving to local charities.


  • For those in Christchurch this may interest:


“I would like to invite you to drinks and nibbles and a chance to talk about the biggest issue facing the world right now – transforming our economic system to one that works for people and the planet.  The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) is the leading global collaboration that brings together organisations, individuals and governments to transform the economic system into one that prioritises shared wellbeing and delivers on five core needs: dignity, purpose, nature, fairness and participation.  Some of the WEAll Aotearoa NZ Hub team are gathering in Ōtautahi Christchurch for the Economic Development NZ Conference, and would like to host an informal get-together at Lulu’s Bar and Eatery, near the Town Hall for people interested in the topic of wellbeing economics and economic transformation.  Please see the details below and feel free to bring along anyone that you think might be interested, but please RSVP by email so we can order enough nibbles.

What: WEAll Aotearoa meet & greet

When: 5:30-7pm, Wednesday 12 October 

Where: Lulu’s Bar and Eatery

Address: 31 Victoria Street, Christchurch Central City

Please RSVP for numbers:

If you can’t make it but would love to find out more about our work plan please get in touch with our Country Lead Gareth Hughes on


A couple quotes to finish off:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” — Steve Jobs

“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” — Mark Twain

Nga mihi


Kia ora All,

Great to have so many join the last impact call and hear from Vic Crockford all about Community Housing Aotearoa and from Rose Challies all about the Terrra Nova Foundation – you can access the audio as an episode of seeds now here on spotify or in other podcast apps.  Next call on Friday 30 September at noon.

I’m right now at the Fundraising Institute of New Zealand FINZ conference in Wellington with about 400 others for three full days and realise some of you might be interested, so have written a short article outlining what I’ve learned – have a read of it here – a chance to download quickly what is going on in another area of the impact sector right now – hope it helps and feel free to forward this on or share (it’s a linkedin post here).  Fun taking a masterclass with my team member Aislinn Molloy about the best legal structures for impact and hybrid and dual structure.


We have just put out a guide about Incorporated Societies – let me know if you would like a copy.  Also a guide on business structures here as I get asked so much about what is best here and one on what wholesale investors are here.

Have a great rest of the week and weekend!  After some days away from home am looking forward to some time with family – I am reading a book of short stories by Ted Chiang called “Exhalation” – info here – and enjoying that.

See you


Kia ora All,

Great to have so many join the last impact call and hear from: Vic Crockford all about Community Housing Aotearoa and from Rose Challies all about the Terrra Nova Foundation – you can access the audio as an episode of seeds now here on spotify or in other podcast apps.  Next call on Friday 30 September at noon.

I’m right now at the Fundraising Institute of New Zealand FINZ conference in Wellington with about 400 others for three full days and realise some of you might be interested, so have written a short article outlining what I’ve learned – have a read of it here – a chance to download quickly what is going on in another area of the impact sector right now – hope it helps and feel free to forward this on or share (it’s a linkedin post here).  Fun taking a masterclass with my team member Aislinn Molloy about the best legal structures for impact and hybrid and dual structure.

We have just put out a guide about Incorporated Societies – let me know if you would like a copy.  Also a guide on business structures here as I get asked so much about what is best here and one on what wholesale investors are here.

Have a great rest of the week and weekend!  After some days away from home am looking forward to some time with family – I am reading a book of short stories by Ted Chiang called “Exhalation” – info here – and enjoying that.

See you


Kia ora,

Here is a link to the audio of our last call (the latest episode of seeds podcast), where we got to hear from:

  • Nicola Nation, the CEO of the Ākina Foundation about their work, impact led initiatives, her views on the state of purpose led business and the upcoming world forum in Australia;
  • Lisa Foster, the Chief Executive of Rare Disorders NZ who gave us insights into their work and the challenges faced – did you know 1 in 17 of us will be directly affected?  She shared the message below and attached as follow up too; and
  • I also shared about the changes for Incorporated Societies which are coming up and affect all 23,000 of them (The Information Hub with lots on that is here).

Feel free to forward this on so others know about this cross sector monthly gathering focusing on impact.  In July will take a rest from the call as I get the chance to travel overseas to see my Father who is turning 80 – due to Covid haven’t seen him for several years now!  I will send out an update email towards the end of July but we can gather again for a call in August.  (I was going to try and do the call while on holiday but then I realised – what sort of a model is this of prioritising rest and how important that is too?!).


I came across this quote recently and like it: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  Maya Angelou

Ngaa mihi,


Kia ora all,

Thanks to our speakers last Friday we had a great session which you can listen back to here:

  • From 4:24, Kate Frykberg shared reflections on her journey: “Missteps and learning: personal experiences of Pākehā organisations wanting to support Māori aspirations and learnings along the way…”  This was so powerful, we needed an hour to hear more!  Powerpoint attached.  More on her work
  • From 18:53, Sue Barker shared about her report which is now released and available here looking at Charities Law Reform and what a world leading framework would be.  Slides attached and note an upcoming workshop on the topic on 22 June – link below.
  • From 33:24, Justin Stevenson shared about whether governance in Charities is harder than in for profit companies then we had some discussions in breakout rooms – really interesting topic to consider and will share the article he mentioned when it comes out!

Next call? – Well, because of the new Matariki holiday (hooray) which is the last Friday in June – will meet again on Thursday 23rd at noon.  If you want a meeting invite, let me know.   Lined up to speak is Nicola Nation the CEO of The Ākina Foundation, and another person is being confirmed.

Previous calls are all here:   It is a good resource point to hear from others – last time we heard from Kirsten Patterson (KP) the Chief Executive of the Institute of Directors of New Zealand (IOD), Maria English the CEO of Impact Lab and Ros Rice the Executive Officer of Community Networks Aotearoa.  The session before that was Sue McCabe the CE of Philanthropy New Zealand | Tōpūtanga Tuku Aroha o Aotearoa,  Kaye Maree Dunn sharing about He Kōrero podcasts focus on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Michelle Berriman the Executive Director of Fundraising Institute of New Zealand.

We had a great call at the end of April 2022 and here is the video and the index of each of our speakers.

00:00 – Introduction to call and a few updates

05:09 – Kirsten Patterson (KP) is the Chief Executive of the Institute of Directors of New Zealand (IOD) – was great to hear more about this organisation that has 10,000 members and some of the resources available on their site and the initiatives and training and conferences they run.

15:52 – Maria English the CEO of Impact Lab – was good to learn background to the work they do in helping organisations measure impact and how they go about doing that

27:22 – Ros Rice the Executive Officer of Community Networks Aotearoa sharing about their recent initiative to provide governance training “Tick for Governance” in the form of a series of 10 modules at a reasonable price – including the first one being free – and loved hearing about the whimsy in the videos https://www.communitynetworksaotearoa…

44:38 – Final thoughts



Kia ora all,

Great session on Friday with a turnout of more than 70 of you joining in.  Great to see so many of you interested in our speakers, they had a lot of helpful ideas to share – thanks to Sue McCabe, Michelle Berriman and Kaye Maree Dunn for sharing some of your journeys and what is keeping you busy!  Index of the call is below and under that are some other things for your radars.

The audio is uploaded as episode #297 of seeds podcast in Spotify or Apple Podcasts or the video is here and this is a LinkedIn post on it in case you want to tag someone in so they know.  Index:

  • 00:00: Welcome and Intro to the call by Steven
  • 04:09: Sue McCabe the CE of Philanthropy New Zealand | Tōpūtanga Tuku Aroha o Aotearoa shared about their new initiative Match | Te Puna Taurite which is about to launch and provide “a more equitable, accessible and collaborative funding system”
  • 13:19: Kaye Maree Dunn sharing about He Kōrero – podcasts focus on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the way different practitioners apply its intent and principles in their respective mahi.
  • 29:13: Michelle Berriman the Executive Director of Fundraising Institute of New Zealand who are releasing a research report soon on wills and bequests – relevant for us all!

Next month join in on Friday 29th April when we have:

  • Kirsten Patterson (KP) the Chief Executive of the Institute of Directors of New Zealand (IOD)
  • Maria English the CEO of Impact Lab
  • Ros Rice the Executive Officer of Community Networks Aotearoa

Each will share their perspectives and discuss resources that they are working on or conferences coming up.  The purpose of the calls is to hear from a variety of people and learn more from people we might not otherwise connect with.

One ask is simple – is there someone you know of who might like to receive these updates?  More than 60 people have joined the email list in the last 2 weeks with more than 650 of you receiving the emails, and want to continue to grow this community focussed on impact.

Previous calls and videos of them are all here – quite a collection of stories and materials now

A few other things:

  • The link for the Impact Lab survey is here: Note that as a token of their gratitude, and to thank you for your time, they will donate a koha to your organisation. To better understand the charitable sector’s needs, and to discover how they can help to build its capacity, ImpactLab are conducting research to learn how charitable organisations track and measure their success. If you’ve got a moment, they’d appreciate your help with answering a few questions.
  • Nick Cowie has pass on a link to the introduction page on the Home of Brands website and the attached description too.  He said here’s how the Home of Brands Conscious Consumer Programme works: Every time your supporters are buying something through the Home of Brands Conscious Consumer Programme, 2% of the invoiced purchase is rebated back in the form of a donation payment from us to you.  You can reach him at
  • The IOD Leadership Conference is all online this year and coming up in early May, I am looking forward to sharing at it about stakeholder vs shareholder governance on a panel.
  • Anne Edgar sent the attached summary of Fringe Benefit Tax and charities and donee organisations, thanks Anne.
  • I always like to see the NFP newsletter attached which has a good list of upcoming seminars etc.
  • While she did not get time to speak to it Sue McCabe is also involved with the Good Registry and they are worth checking out here – facilitating donations to good causes:
  • Am crowdsourcing any thoughts you might want to share with the XRB – email me back, tomorrow will be attending the XRB Advisory Panel quarterly catch up and they would like to have input on what they do (any issues any of you have with accounting standards and reporting)?
  • Speaking of which, XRB have got a survey going to get input n the XRAB and how they go about their work – here:
  • Been getting quite a few questions about duties of Trustees in light of Trusts Act 2019 and referring them to this guide.
  • Have been helping quite a few companies with their Capital Raisings and so be watching out for a guide to capital raising which we are releasing soon.
  • There are 31 people booked in for the next Impact Lunch on 8th April here – if you are going to be in the area come along… Impact Lunch + The Future of Christchurch …, Christchurch, 8th of April | Humanitix
  • I can recommend this free session based on the Dare to Lead book by Brene Brown which is being run by BOMA – info here
  • The attached Harvard Business Review tip on running efficient meetings resonated so sharing it.  They are a useful daily reminder of best practise.
  • To finish off with a good news story, this is Wilby from The Addington Farm.  We are helping him set up as a charity – they do good work creating an Urban Farm where volunteers work.  Article about them here: