Kia ora All,

An update on events coming up and free resources that may help you or your group…

On Wednesday 5th June (yes, tomorrow!) am excited to join another Community Governance Aotearoa session this time on chairing meetings but with a particular focus on chairing of AGMs.  Here is how they describe the event and sign ups are here:

“AGMs are coming up, how do we run a great one?
Sonya Rimene (Te Tumu Paeroa) will lead the first hour 12pm to 1pm for those who chair Māori entities and trusts. Sonya will explore what makes a good AGM and some practical guidance. Q&A will follow.
Steven Moe (Parry Field Lawyers) will lead the second hour 1pm to 2pm, continuing the exploration on chairing not-for-profit AGMs, some practical tips, and what makes a good AGM. Q&A to follow.”

Great to connect with almost 40 recently over lunch.  Here is the video of Rahul the new CEO at Philanthropy NZ sharing for those who missed it, or who would like to share with anyone else you can forward this on.  Thanks to Safe for the video support!  Have posted on LinkedIn too here so feel free to tag others in over there who might appreciate the content.

  • I will be joining an online event on 25th June on Impact Investing and Wealth management – info: “Our next CA ANZ For Purpose SIG meeting on Tuesday, 25 June.   The topic is ‘Wealth Management and Impact Investing’ and Craig Fisher will host expert panellists Katie Beith, Head of ESG, Forsyth Barr; John Morrow, Head of Philanthropic, JBWere NZ & Steven Moe, Partner, Parry Field Lawyers.”  Sign ups are here.
  • On 12 June I will be in Auckland at the Mindful Money conference and awards as have surprisingly been nominated for  Best Media reporting on Ethical investment for the work on Seeds.  You can join too – info here
  • I will hold next Seeds Impact lunch on Friday 19 July – sign ups are here
  • If you would like to get the regular Impact Email newsletter that goes to 920 then hit reply and can add you.
  • Seeds podcast is in all apps or here and The Apple Tree book info is here
  • The latest conversation is with Neil Ieremia all about founding Black Grace dance company – it is really really good on the role of art in society.


A friend named Seán Barnes’ has just released a book called “The Impact Professional” and to order a copy, jump on – there are options to buy on Kindle and in NZ, its best and cheapest to order from Seán. Find the “order in NZ” link and fill in the form with instructions for payment.  And connect with Seán here:

Other recent resources have been sharing are:

  • We have written a charities legal handbook which you can download.
  • We also put up resources such as the Charities Healthchecks on our Charities Hub (the covers are below).
  • This is Board Matters a show about leadership and governance with the Institute of Directors

We are very happy to have a free catch-up to discuss your situation. Please reach out if there’s anything we can do to assist.

Kia ora All,

Updates on upcoming events and resources – am really looking forward to a session this Thursday at noon (yes, tomorrow!) on “Changes to the Charities Act” – already 260 have signed up and you are welcome to join as well – sign ups here

As always you are welcome to forward this email on to others and if you received this that way and would like to join the 940+ who receive it just drop me a line.

Have been at the IOD Leadership Conference the last two days – on LinkedIn have posted summaries of sessions, as know maybe people would like to go but cannot – like this one on Co-Chairing that may interest as we heard from Rāwiri Bhana, Pam Elgar ONZM MInstD, Victoria Spackman ONZM and Jill Steffert.

Am also going to start profiling charities we work with and the amazing work they do – we all need some more HOPE at the moment and in the first two we hear from are:


CCS Disability Action – it is such an honour to help them and you can read the story here: – I really appreciated this endorsement of our work as well as we try to really help and understand all we are working with “In addition to working to assess our current legal structure and provide us with a range of options to consider, Steven worked to understand our vision and values. This allowed us to form and authentic partnership with Steven, focused on our potential to serve disabled people and families now and into the future. As well as feeling like Steven was committed to using his knowledge to make a positive difference for our organisation, we appreciated his ability to bring legal concepts to life through clear and effective communication. Thank you, Steven and Parry Field Lawyers, for your support.”

Weta Conservation Charitable Trust – a brand new charity!


Just released legal opinion on impact investing and how Trustees make decisions – or how they should!  Check it out here and the

Episode 391 of Seeds Podcast is on tapping into the hidden wisdom of those around you.

Here are some recent free resources that may be of interest:

  • We have written a charities legal handbook which you can download at no cost.
  • We also have lots of other resources such as the Charities Healthchecks – info on our Charities Hub (the covers are below).
  • Here is the link to seeds podcast, which has over 390+ conversations that I have had with inspiring people.  Spoke about using time wisely and choosing projects, talked with an entrepreneur about using business to build community in Reefton, spoke to someone born in 1938…
  • And this is Board Matters a show about leadership and governance with the Institute of Directors which am hosting.

Will host a follow up “Charities: Ask me your questions” on 3rd July – also free – you can already sign up here


Those of you in Christchurch may be interested in a lunch with Rahul the new CEO of Philanthropy NZ – signups are here


Many thanks


Kia ora, this has a roundup of recent events and upcoming ones as well as resources that may help you!

More than 125 joined the conversation with Shamubeel Eaqub on impact investing – the video is now available to watch here or you can listen to it on seeds here.  Attached is the legal opinion released as well.  Feel free to forward this email on to others/Boards/Trustees/Advisors you may know particularly it if will provoke thinking and catalyse discussions!

I was able to share my views on “work/life balance”, my dreams, grandfather, apple trees and more in this article for the Sunday Star Times that may interest: And with more than 78 comments on the post about the article here on LinkedIn, am going to turn the reflections into a short ebook!  Got to try new things…

Coming up are a few free sessions to alert you too:

  • Free Community Governance Aotearoa event on Changes to the Charities Act and implications for charities – sign ups here, it is free – Friday 26th April.  “Join us to explore changes to the Charities Act and what this means for your charity.  For our April Board Talk, joining us are Andrew Newbery (Charities Services), Michelle Kitney (Volunteering NZ) and Steven Moe (Parry Field Lawyers) to discuss this important topic.”

  • Q&A for Charities – already 122 signed up for this free event on changes on to Charities Act, this will be more flowing and a Q&A than last one, just with me – you can join it here.

  • Incorporated Societies – a free session on 19th April on what is changing and what you need to know, the top 10 points – sign up free here.
  • Community Networks Aotearoa are asking for groups to fill our their state of the sector survey here 2024 State of The Sector Survey provides an integral snapshot into the community and voluntary sector.”
  • Next Impact Lunch is on 7 May and we will get the chance to talk with Simone Woodland, an architect, EHF fellow and founder of Mōhua Ventures (New Zealand’s first charitable housing developer) who is coming to visit and to showcase the Tākaka Cohousing Neighbourhood in Golden Bay.

  • The waka hourua Hinemoana in our waters for the next three months – see attached for ways to interact and be involved in its visit.

The legal opinion on enabling impact investing can be downloaded here as well but is also attached as a PDF and has also been read out as an audio book as episode #385 of Seeds Podcast – it is in Spotify and in Apple Podcasts.

We will hold another event in a few months as a follow up looking at the topic of Social Housing so be watching out for that and planning a paper with case studies for that – so the practical side of deciding to invest for impact.

A few other resources are set out below which I can send you if of interest.  Keep doing the great work and planting seeds of impact!

Ngā mihi,



Kia ora all,

There are some upcoming free events I want to share with you and invite you to join which are all described below as well as links to new free resources and videos.

First is on 20 March at 11am with an “online lunch” together at noon – this is a special follow up to the Seeds Impact Conference as I will be joined by Shamubeel Eaqub to consider Impact Investing – its rise and what that means for business, charities and purpose driven organisations.  This will also see the release of a legal opinion outlining how I think Trustees have a positive duty to consider the impact of where they invest.

Already 119 people have signed up but being online you can join them and you will also get a copy of the legal opinion. Click here to sign up.  We will have the shared “online community lunch” with breakout rooms from 12 to continue talking about the themes.

We also just held an event for startups answering their legal questions which you can click on the image below to watch.

That is also at our Startups Information Hub where there are many articles and guides and videos as well.

The New Zealand Law Society asked us to run a session on Incorporated Societies soon to educate lawyers and others as we are the leading team supporting these entities in NZ.  Anyone is welcome to join this – we will be in Wellington to record it but it is all online:

Along that line, our Information Hub for incorporated societies has dozens of articles, videos and 125 FAQs on that topic and we are helping many many groups with their reregistrations.  It has been really great to welcome so many new clients with many of them Tier 1 charities (as well as smaller ones) doing great work in our communities!  Our ideal client.

This week hosted a session on “chairing meetings well” out in Rolleston for about 50 people for the Selwyn District Council

Recorded it and the video is here now:

Click on the image below for a PDF of the top tips shared – including some from Mayor Sam Broughton himself!  These resources will be added to our Governance for Charities information page.

We continue to get lots of great feedback on the Charities Healthchecks that was cowritten with about 100 of you last year – there are 6 parts to it and can send if you would like them.

All the videos of the Seeds Impact Conference are up and many are also audio episodes joining the 383 interviews on Seeds Podcast – check them out as you might not have caught them all!

Am really looking forward to a session for Community Governance Aotearoa, which we help with the setup, on the topic of changes for Charities – it is free and will be joined by Andrew from Charities Services and Michelle from Volunteering NZ.

And for you book lovers, have just released “The Apple Tree” – a picture book with deeper meaning underlying it – someone recently bought 50 copies to give away to people attending a course they provide and the University of Canterbury UCE bought 100 to give away as presents to speakers.  Also, this interactive site has the music that was composed for the book as well and memories of special people who are like apple trees too so check it out

For those in Christchurch, watch out for the next Impact Lunch – almost 30 of us gathered on Wednesday to network and collaborate.

Recent LinkedIn posts that may interest:

Drop me a line with your news and upcoming things and I might share it out for others to know about – and we are always happy to have conversations about legal issues you may be facing – with 80 people in our firm we cover many legal topics ranging from property, disputes to contracts and charities.

There are 917 of you who get this email – feel free to forward it on to others and if you got it that way, just let me know if you want to be added.  Or if you no longer wish to receive updates just let me know that too!

Ngā mihi


Kia ora All,

Like all of you, I am ready for a break and fly out – today!  I am ready for the holidays.  But we have been putting out some impact team content recently so sharing as may help you.



Upcoming sessions:

And a Book!

My colleague Kris has done a fantastic job on creating a book for State Integrated and Private Schools and there is now an “Information Hub” with articles and more for them.

You can find out more at this link:

And another book!  Though not legal this time – the Apple Tree is a picture book for adults, to encourage people like you – makes for great presents, let me know if you’d like a  copy – $20 each or 3 for $50 – info includes a video of reading it out.

And a picture of the team to finish off!

Merry Christmas!


Kia ora!  Hope you are all enjoying Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week 2023) and even trying out some new kupu!

The feedback on the Charities Healthchecks has been amazing – I pasted an example below, thanks again to the 100 or so of you who inputted on them!

This update email is about “Seed Habits”, a very short little book reflecting on the 9 key principles I’ve learned from the 364 conversations on seeds podcast.

Would you like a copy?  I am giving it away to anyone who signs up for the Seeds Impact Conference which currently has 268 people signed up – it is all online on 5th October, with 27 sessions and about 80 panellists and the cost is just $20 or apply for a scholarship (means you get in free) – join us?

Feedback on healthchecks:

“The board sends their gratitude to you for the incredible mahi you have put into the Guide.  At last night’s board meeting they remarked on the braided river metaphor, investment behind it and outcome when we discussed it in last night’s Board Meeting and asked me to pass on their thanks.  Thank you.”

I’ve enjoyed being at the Philanthropy NZ conference in Wellington the last few days – recording sessions for seeds to share later, thanks for the opportunity to do that Sue, Lynne, Gin and the team there.

Incorporated Societies note…

Our team is working every day with many many small, medium and very large #Incorporated #Societies to update their rules before the reregistration starts on 5th October.

🌿That period will run for 2.5 years until April 2026.  If you don’t reregister you’ll be removed…all 24,000 incorporated societies need to take action.  Currently 6,660 are also registered charities.

🌳We have free monthly webinars that have reached about 800 so far attending – info and sign ups is at our information hub which has more than a dozen articles, videos, and how to get our free guide with the 10 things to know.  All that is here:

🌊 We are helping in two main ways:

  1. Helping #rewrite #rules (we have developed a set of rules which will meet all new requirements) and helping reregister;
  2. Considering if the entities #should reregister or if instead its best to consider #transitioning to another entity type – such as a charitable trust.

Let me know if you’d like to talk!  Or forward on to others.

Ngā mihi

Kia ora All,

I am pleased to release the Charities Healthcheck guides.  Huge thanks to the 100 people who helped make this possible by reviewing, commenting or encouraging (each of you are listed at the start of these ‘collaborative’ guides).

This integrates in the final feedback received including now having an “Overview” document containing the top 3 points from each part, so it can be used on its own for the really ‘essential’ health check and not overwhelm.  We will aim to update this in a year and continue to provide lots of other resources, guides, articles etc at this Charities Information Hub where anyone can request these.  Feel free to post or share that link so others know about this and if you tag me will add a comment too.

Honestly, this turned into a bigger project then first anticipated – but most important, it should help many!  What else could we all collaborate on?

Also don’t forget that 170 people have signed up for the Seeds Impact Conference already – join them on 5th October?  Just $20 and 27 sessions with about 70 speakers

Two things I am excited about at the moment – releasing this very special 2 hour conversation with Tā Tipene O’Regan (listen here) on the people who shaped his life, and that The Apple Tree will be released in just a few weeks – info here.  Let me know if you’d like a copy?  Have a great day everyone!

Ngā mihi


Kia ora all,

I am pleased (and a bit nervous!) to announce the Seeds Impact Conference which will take place on October 5th with 27 sessions held online across 4 zoom rooms.

Inspired by the conversations on seeds podcast, there will be an amazing lineup of dozens of speakers and panellists who are listed on the website here.  Tickets are only $20 for a full day of inspiring discussion that you can dip in and out of – you can find out more and book in here

The panels will be on #Degrowth, #impact #measurement, #Māori led #startups, #systems #innovation, #BCorps, the value of the #Arts, supporting #Women #Founders, #governance, importance of #books, #Wayfinding, the #Ocean, #Supply #chains in the Pacific, the role of Kiwi expats – very diverse, as this is naming just a few …

You can help spread the word by sharing the website above in an email newsletter to people you know or forwarding this on to someone else.  It is a word of mouth event with no marketing budget so your support is welcome – speaking of which there are 160 supporters listed already on the site and your organisation can join them as well, just let me know if of interest.   A LinkedIn post is here for anyone who wants to like/share…it all helps!

Update regarding the Charities Healthcheck.  There has been lots of amazing feedback from about 100 of you plus many who joined a zoom call on it – am most grateful.   The list of those who have contributed is under the images below – if you should be on the list, let me know!  It has been a lot of work to collate all the input… hope to now finalise and make available the final versions by end of this month.

  • One key change is there will now be the “top 3” in each category moved to the start of each topic, and also those top 3 will be moved to an “Overview” document so that people can choose to just review that to get the really key principles (so not too overwhelming).  Then if they want more, then can dive into one of the other more detailed ones.
  • Also at the start of some am putting an overview eg on “what is governance” based on your feedback.  I am going to keep editing for a while now and making it look beautiful inside then aiming to release it towards the end of this month.
  • The Faith groups one will be released at the Christian Savings conference – encourage those of you from Churches to check it out here.  I will be sharing two sessions there including one in the evening on practical governance tips with KP, the CEO of the IOD.
  • Now for anyone how meant to feedback but got caught up with other things – if you still email me that is OK, but by next Wednesday 16th please.

Thanks again to so many who have inputted on the guides!  Thanks in particular to Kelly Snell at our office – without her couldn’t have done this.


  1. Tim Bennetts of Life Church
  2. Rev. Peter Benzie of the Wesleyan Methodist Church
  3. Katherine Blaney of Start Up Taranaki
  4. Geoff Bevan
  5. Paul Brown of Paul Brown Consulting Limited
  6. Carolyn Cordery of the Victoria University Wellington
  7. Matt Coulter of BDO
  8. Marcus Daff of Lighthouse Resourcing
  9. Liz Davies of Socialink
  10. Danielle Diprose of Innovant Accounting
  11. Andre Dique of Kingdomcity
  12. Sarah Doherty of Doherty Solutions
  13. Jonathan Dove of the Auckland Church Network
  14. Dr Lyndon Drake of Te Tai Tokerau
  15. Katie Earle of Bushfarm
  16. Anne Edgar of Shellock Consulting New Zealand
  17. Jay Erickson of the Drug ARM Board / Enrich Community Chaplaincy Trust
  18. Craig Fisher of Kea New Zealand Limited
  19. Jenny Flett
  20. Hannah Gibbs-Harker of Ākina Foundation
  21. Paula Granger of the Ipsum Group
  22. Steve Hamilton of Vento Consulting
  23. Zebulon Horrell of Future Whenua
  24. Jane Jackman of Nexia New Zealand
  25. Jenny Leith of Amelie Ltd, Governance and Policy Advisor
  26. Barb Lewis of Music Therapy New Zealand
  27. Catherine Linton of Community Finance
  28. Annabel Lush of Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand
  29. Bryce Marsden of the Milford Foundation
  30. Justin Martin of BDO
  31. Todd McCashin
  32. Rachel McDonald of Trust Management
  33. David McLay of Barristers.Comm
  34. Charmaine Meyers
  35. Pat Michell of Crogan Consulting
  36. Letticia Mincham of the Duncan Foundation
  37. David Monk of Home Foundation
  38. Kirsten “KP” Patterson of the IOD
  39. David Peters of Bay Conservation
  40. Mark Peterson of BDO
  41. Andrew Phillips
  42. Karen Pickering of the Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa
  43. Mike Potter of Disability Connect
  44. Sarah Pritchett of Waste Minz New Zealand
  45. Silvia Purdie
  46. Ros Rice of Community Networks Aoteraroa
  47. Larry Robbins of NFP Resource
  48. Kathryn Ruge of Engaging People New Zealand
  49. Jamie Small of Wordshop
  50. Amy Stewart
  51. Steve Talbot of Hope Presbyterian
  52. Sanel Tomlinson
  53. Tracey Twaddle of Kit Me and Inclement
  54. Dr John Vargo of Resilient Organisations
  55. Shary Vargo of Vargo Mentoring
  56. Nitish Verma of Essence Networks Limited
  57. Alan Vink of LeadershipWorx
  58. Andrew Weaver of Legacy Consulting
Reviewed and encouraged

  1. Nikky Winchester of ActionStation
  2. Gillian Whitley of The Leprosy Mission NZ
  3. Casey Williams of Grace Vineyard Church
  4. Dorenda Britten of Dorenda Britten Limited
  5. David Campbell of the Institute of Directors NZ
  6. Claire Carruthers of the Wellington Free Ambulance
  7. Rose Challies of the Terra Nova Foundation
  8. Jenn Chowaniec of the Wayne Francis Charitable Trust
  9. Justin Connolly of Deliberate
  10. Kaye Curran of D.M and K Curran Limited
  11. Kath Dewar of Goodsense
  12. John Godfrey of John Godfrey & Associates
  13. Matthew Goldsworthy of Youth Arts NZ
  14. Jonathon Hagger of the Rotorua Hospice
  15. Bridget Hesketh of New Zealand Search and Rescue
  16. Dawn Hutchesson of the Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance
  17. Craig Jenkins
  18. Rob Lawrence, Photographer
  19. Mark Longbottom of Mercer New Zealand
  20. Rod Macdonald of Fundamentally
  21. Dr Elizabeth Macpherson of the University of Canterbury
  22. Joanne McEachen of The Learner First
  23. Garry Moore of Smash Palace
  24. Nicola Nation of The Akina Foundation
  25. Angela Norton of the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association
  26. Anja O’Connor of Flaxroots NZ
  27. Sue Peat of StepsForward
  28. Beverley Richards of the J R McKenzie Trust
  29. Rod Robson
  30. Brian Saipe of Child Rescue New Zealand
  31. Delwyn Shaw
  32. Liam Sheridan of Foundation North
  33. Terry Shubkin of Young Enterprise
  34. Holly Snape of Community Waikato
  35. James Stewart of Gemelli Consulting
  36. Carolyn Stiles of Brackenridge
  37. Faumuina Felolini Maria Tafuna’i of Flying Geese Pro
  38. Rev Dr Clint Ussher of Laidlaw College
  39. Peter van Hout of the Methodist Church of NZ
  40. Judy Whiteman
  41. David Woods of the New Zealand Advisory Board for Impact Investment

And particular thanks to Kelly Snell at Parry Field Lawyers who helped with compiling all the comments.


Thanks all,


Kia ora all,

This is a roundup of some key developments, new articles and documents, events and more.


  • We do a lot supporting community housing and so last week as part of the Community Housing Aotearoa conference for 450 we released a “Community Housing: Legal Guide

  • Did you know that world leading innovation is going on right now in granting legal personhood for MountainsRivers, and Forests here in Aotearoa NewZealand – so what will this mean for #Governance and how these new ‘entities’ relate with both companies and people and the law?

    Not many have considered this yet, so it was a privilege to co-write an academic article (a first for me!) with the amazing legal academics David Jefferson and Elizabeth Macpherson from University of Canterbury law school for the peer reviewed Transnational Environmental Law Journal.

    Published this week by the Cambridge University Press, you can read it online here:

Just to explain the #design:
– three seeds in the middle and I think of them as #Kahikatea which from #small #seeds become the tallest trees
– seeds look dead, plant them and they will grow with the right conditions.
– these ones are growing in size and expanding, like ideas
– there is also the #ripple outwards, as the #conversations spark new ideas and reverberate out
– alongside this is the #Koru, or could be a growing #seed, that has been #planted and now is sprouting
– for the listener I want each episode to cause them to consider their own impact and purpose

Seeds is now up to 347 episodes and recent ones social housing – a panel talking about structures and the future;

    • Esha Chabra an amazing international journalist on her new book “Working to Restore: Harnessing the Power of Regenerative Business to Heal the World”;
    • Reading out an article for Spinoff I did on Greenwashing and its dangers;
    • Aimee Blake on Girls Who Grow and Future Farmers New Zealand;
    • Leanne Holdsworth on Humanising Work – she is a co-author of a new book on that topic;
    • “One thing I’ve learned as an entrepreneur” – a panel of 4 sharing their lessons – Saskia van der Peet, Jack Wood, Ben Scales and Rohan Mathias;
    • Jennifer Hamlin on Animals and our relationship with them

Finally, I love this poster James Luhrs created for a recent Canterbury Tech event where Seeds Podcast had a place – even got the new font right.  It’s now up on a wall in my office.  The lightning talk I gave – after an intro by a Mexican wrestler, will go up next week.



Kia ora All,

How are you?  We are cruising towards the middle of the year and in this email wanted to give lots of free content, some updates on Impact Sector events, training, seeds and more – this email goes to 764 of you and should give a little insight into what I am up to!  Feel free to forward it on to add value to others, and if you received this after being sent the email, just let me know if you would like to be added to the list.

Last week attended the largest governance conference in New Zealand put on by the Institute of Directors over two days for 600 – a summary of every session is here so you can learn from the 55 speakers as well!  For those of you into LinkedIn, the post is here to tag others in – lots of comments on that post too!

The Select Committee has just reported back on the Charities Act Amendments last week over here.  It may surprise some of you that I’m fine with the report and proposed changes as it seems to have been contentious for others.  I do not share the same view that this is a bad thing.  I know many have been calling for a first principles review instead, but my view is this – be careful what you wish for.  There are many positions which are favourable for charities which could be up for consideration such as spiritual groups qualifying as charities and the tax exemptions for companies owned by charities.  A true first principles review would reconsider those matters too.  That is why I am not opposed to the position taken and am glad the Select Committee agreed with some of my – and many others – submissions regarding a tightening of the definition of who is an officer and not requiring a yearly report on reviewing rules.  Let’s move on, and work with the tools we have been given.


Am trying to model the reporting on impact that I ask clients to consider providing – in the last 12 months we have assisted around 40 charities to set up, and also helped 8 start-ups raising between 1-2million each.  Diverse areas to be across but our umbrella is purpose and impact which means that we support charities + business across our team of lawyers while also having other specialists among the 80 in our firm such as property, employment, disputes etc.


Spinoff recently published my article on Greenwashing and developments on reporting here.


This Friday have another “Ask Me Anything” session on Zoom – I need some more questions or sign up here and ask them in person..  You can watch the last one I did over here.  This is an experiment, could be the last one?!


Also on Friday another session – our 15th or so – for Incorporated Societies – these are free monthly sessions that go for an hour outlining the top 10 things that will change and you can sign up for this one here.  Lots more info is at our information hub over here including more than 100 FAQs, videos and articles.


Director Duties – Select Committee just reported back – last night – on proposed changes to Section 131 here.  In summary, section 131 of the Companies Act sets out a primary duty of Directors, to act in the best interests of the Company.  Dr Duncan Webb MP proposed some clarifications that Directors should consider other factors than shareholder returns, such as the Environment, Employees and the Treaty.  The Select Committee decided to propose change but not go that far, instead advocating for the words to be “To avoid doubt, in considering the best interests of a company or holding company for the purposes of this section, a director may consider matters other than the maximisation of profit.”  Our view is this is a helpful addition – but it is a controversial one as some argue no change is required!  Either way, it shows how increasingly Directors will need to bear in mind more than shareholders, and consider stakeholders as well.  I did a post on this on LinkedIn here.


For Seeds am rebranding logo so don’t be surprised if you see this showing up in future!  Exciting times and thanks to Jamie Small at Wordshop and Malin Wahlgren who designed it.

VolunteeringNZ just published a guide to demystifying Legal Language here, co-written with Julie Aitken.


On 17th May in the evening in Rolleston will be presenting two sessions – one on good governance, and one on the role of the Board Chair.  Sign ups are here


Appreciated ChristchurchNZ giving a shout out to Seeds Podcast over here!


Last week presented two hours for Creative HQ in Wellington and their Impact Accelerator on legal structures for impact, IP protection and governance – if you would like the slides let me know as happy to share them.


This Tuesday in Christchurch, Thursday in Wellington and next week in Auckland am speaking at the Brightstar event for accountants on these topics:

Avoiding risks, staying safe and supporting your clients: legal advice for accountants

  • Capital raising dos and do nots– key questions you should ask about your money raising options
    • Contracts and the key provisions that you should be aware of
    • Legal structure options – which are best? Companies, Trusts, Incorporated Societies and what this means for your organisation
    • Director Duties: What do you need to know as an accountant in business – and are they changing


Flashback to Board Matters, a podcast series with 13 episodes that go for 10-15 minutes on governance and leadership – did you check it out yet?  Boards you know may appreciate it.

These Good Governance Code workshops are coming up across the main centres – these are put on by Community Governance Aotearoa.


Have you seen this guide to fundraising by Kate Frykberg?


Is TechWeek on your radar?  From 13-20 May lots of free events on here and in Canterbury I’ll be hosting a table next Friday at EPIC from 4pm for a meetups event with Seeds – info is here


Recent article on “Funds” and how they work for organisations that do not qualify for tax donee status is over here.  We’ve helped several groups set these up.


Seeds podcast now has 346 interviews – one of the latest is with Esha Chhabra, the author of “Working to Restore: Harnessing the Power of Regenerative Business to Heal the World” – it was a great conversation.


I just stepped down as chair of the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers Asia Pacific Board – check out their work in a recent set of articles here.


I am not yet talking about it but as a reward since you read this far, am spending a lot of time on planning of the Impact Conference for October.


A colleague – Peter – just retired after 48 years working here, so wrote this tribute to him and his influence on many.

His approach was shown last night by the fact that of the literally thousands of clients he has helped over 50 years, he chose to highlight one – a man who had led a difficult life and whose funeral was attended by Peter and only three others (including the funeral director). But Peter shared how he provided legal support to that person at the end of their life to have a will in place. A small story but poignant that of the multimillion dollar corporate deals, property matters, court work that went to the Privy Council etc he chose that, because it emphasised that our role as lawyers is to support people in their times of need and provide access to justice. Sometimes lawyers forget that, and reminders are always welcome.

A few of you received a meeting update a few weeks ago from 2021 from someone else who attended it – apologies for that, I understand from the person who sent it out it was their IT system moving to a new server.

That’s it for now, feel free to forward this on to others who it might help!

Ganbatte kudasai!  Japanese for – do your best.
