Kia ora All,
I am pleased to release the Charities Healthcheck guides. Huge thanks to the 100 people who helped make this possible by reviewing, commenting or encouraging (each of you are listed at the start of these ‘collaborative’ guides).
This integrates in the final feedback received including now having an “Overview” document containing the top 3 points from each part, so it can be used on its own for the really ‘essential’ health check and not overwhelm. We will aim to update this in a year and continue to provide lots of other resources, guides, articles etc at this Charities Information Hub where anyone can request these. Feel free to post or share that link so others know about this and if you tag me will add a comment too.
Honestly, this turned into a bigger project then first anticipated – but most important, it should help many! What else could we all collaborate on?
Also don’t forget that 170 people have signed up for the Seeds Impact Conference already – join them on 5th October? Just $20 and 27 sessions with about 70 speakers
Two things I am excited about at the moment – releasing this very special 2 hour conversation with Tā Tipene O’Regan (listen here) on the people who shaped his life, and that The Apple Tree will be released in just a few weeks – info here. Let me know if you’d like a copy? Have a great day everyone!
Ngā mihi