Education and Schools: Information Hub

Kia ora,

Welcome to our Information Hub for Education and Schools- here you can find articles, guides and links to help lead you in the right direction. We hope these will assist you and please get in contact should you need any assistance.

Ngā mihi nui

Kris Morrison

Partner and Board Chair

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Free Guide for State Integrated and Private Schools

This guide informs you on the legal framework for schools and of key governance and policy obligations to give your school the best chance at succeeding- email for your free copy


Schooling in New Zealand

There are three levels to New Zealand’s education system.  The first level is early childhood education (ECE) for children from infants to school entry age.  This is not compulsory, but 96.8% of children attend ECE and government subsidies…

What are State Integrated Schools?

State Integrated Schools are a kind of school recognised by New Zealand's education system, but their structure can be confusing to understand. What are State Integrated Schools? New Zealand's education system allows for a range of different…

Additional free resources that you may find helpful:

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