Kia ora
I enjoy helping people and want to explain some of my story to help work out if we’d be a good fit for your projects.
A bit about me.
I was born in the United States and moved to Aotearoa New Zealand as a seven year old, growing up mainly in Christchurch. The first half of my career (2001 to 2016) was spent in large law firms in Wellington, Tokyo, London and Sydney often acting for large banks and corporates on big deals. I learnt a great deal.
The second half has been dedicated to people and global citizenship, which is very satisfying. On returning to Christchurch I joined the law firm Parry Field Lawyers as there was flexibility to build a new focus on impact and purpose. My team of seven is unique in supporting clients across the country and we have 80 in the firm so can provide support in most areas. The outcome is that Parry Field has become the leading New Zealand firm for the ‘not-for-profit’ sector, or what I prefer to call the ‘for-purpose’ sector. It is an energising and uplifting space.
This 6 minute Pechakucha (talk) sums me up quite nicely: www.pechakucha.com/presentations/global-citizenship–generational-legacy-and-kaitiakitanga
Beliefs that underpin my work and life.
- Spending quality time with my family
- When facing difficult decisions, asking myself if I’ll likely regret acting/not acting when I’m 90
- Bringing creativity and art into all aspects of life
- Supporting those coming up.
My invitation to you.
My client relationships are more than business transactions. I provide robust commercial and legal advice; the differentiator is the emphasis I place on being an active participant in groups of people involved in impact. My value add is supporting you with collaboration and introductions to other people relevant to your cause, and by thoughtfully challenging ideas where I see potential for enhanced outcomes. I like being a catalyst to help you achieve your goals.
Some resources you might like.
Seeds podcast: 330+ conversations with people making a difference:
Founder guide to raising capital
Want to get in touch? Email Steven at StevenMoe@parryfield.com