Some employees are eligible to receive shares in the company they work for under an Employee Share Scheme (ESS). It is helpful to understand what is likely to be taxed and when.

Some companies adopt ESS to incentivise their employees to work towards the success of the company as both an employee and as a potential shareholder. Because owning shares may benefit the employee financially, income tax may be payable.

What is taxed?

There are many forms of ESS. Some employees are given shares for free or at below market rate if they meet certain conditions. Others are given the opportunity to buy shares and pay them off through salary sacrifices.

In a nutshell, if as an employee receives a financial benefit from ESS, irrespective of how the shares were acquired, the taxable amount is the difference between the market value of the shares and what was paid for the rights. Note that some ESS are exempt from taxation.

Employers may tax ESS employee benefits, however, if they don’t, the employee will need to account for it themselves by filling out an IR3 form. Note that employees can retrospectively advise Inland Revenue of benefits from previous years by making a voluntary disclosure.

When does tax get calculated?

When it comes to ESS the point the employer holds the shares for the beneficial ownership of the employee is the vesting date. In straight forward ESS, the share scheme taxing date is when the employee exercises their option for the shares (takes up their right to the shares).  This makes sense in situations where there is a risk that after the shares have vested, the employee might leave or otherwise forfeit their right to the shares. In those situations, it would not be fair to tax the employee at vesting date, because they might not ever exercise their option.

Recently however Inland Revenue released a Technical Decision Summary about a situation that was not a straight forward ESS. The employer had taxed the employee at the date the shares were exercised but the employee disputed this interpretation, arguing that the tax date should be when the shares vested.

The Tax Council Office in its adjudication found in this particular situation the share scheme taxing date was the date of vesting because that is the first date that the shares were held for the benefit of the employee and after which there was no material risk that their beneficial ownership of the shares would change, for example by the employee leaving. In this case there was no material risk that the employer would fail to exercise their option after the vesting date.

Key takeaway

If you make a financial return from an ESS you will likely need to pay tax. The date from which the tax applies will depend on the particular ESS and the employee’s circumstances. It might be at the date the employee exercises their rights or it might be at the date of vesting if there is no material risk that the employee will fail to realise their option.

Contact us if you would like to know more about ESS and whether this might be a good option for your company and employees.

This article is general in nature and is not a substitute for legal advice. You should talk to a lawyer about your specific situation. Reproduction is permitted with prior approval and credit being given back to the source. 

移民部长宣布了对雇主认证工签的变更。以下是我们总结了的变更,而且我们将会在2024年4月23日星期二中午12:30在1 Rimu Street举办有关这些变更的研讨会 — 如果您无法亲身来参加研讨会,您可以通过Microsoft Teams在网上参加。请发送电子邮件到 进行预约。我们的研讨会将包括问答环节。



对于澳大利亚和新西兰职业标准分类(ANZSCO)中 4级和5级工作,如果既不在绿名单上且工资未达到认证雇主工签的工资标准的1.5倍(现在是2月中位数工资标准)—

  • 认证雇主工签的最长签证期限为2年(之前是5年);以及
  • 一个移民员工(从事澳大利亚和新西兰职业标准分类 4级和5级工作)在一个或多个认证雇主工签上停留的总时间为3年(之前是5年)。


对于澳大利亚和新西兰职业标准分类 4级和5级工作,申请人必须符合最低英语标准(请看以下说明)。

对于既不在绿名单上且工资未达到认证雇主工签的工资标准2倍的工作,申请人必须有 —

  • 至少3年的相关工作经验;或者
  • 新西兰资格证书(NZQCF)4级或以上的相关学历,如果低于大学本科水平则同时需要提供国际资格评估(IQA)证书。





其他能证明申请人符合最低英语标准的有以下 —

  • 加拿大、爱尔兰、英国或美国的公民,并且申请人在这些国家或澳大利亚或新西兰工作或接受教育至少五年;或
  • 在澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、爱尔兰、英国或美国完成至少两年学习,并取得与新西兰7级大学本科相当的学历;或
  • 在澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、爱尔兰、英国或美国完成至少一年学习,并取得与新西兰8级或以上资格相当的学历。



对于ANZSCO 4级和5级工作,您必须—

  • 将职位广告在一个面向全国的工作网站上刊登21天(之前是14天);
  • 将职位在工收局上发布21天;
  • 在工作检查中解释为什么没有录用任何新西兰本地申请人。




  • 在移民员工开始为您工作之前,您必须核实他们的签证是否允许他们在新西兰为您工作。您可以通过要求移民员工向您展示(例如,他们的新西兰工作签证、新西兰居留类签证等等)来确认他们有权在新西兰为您工作,或者使用网站VisaView来进行核实。您必须记录您的移民员工签证的有效日期,并提醒他们签证到期的日期。
  • 在雇佣后一个月以内,您必须向您的移民员工提供关于当地社区和服务以及员工工作的相关信息。
  • 在雇佣后一个月以内,您必须在带薪的工作时间内为您的移民员工提供足够的时间完成就业培训,并且每个招聘决策者在每个认证期内必须完成就业培训。
  • 您必须向移民员工提供每周至少30个小时的工作时长。


雇主认证的新义务 –

  1. 如果您的任何一名移民员工停止为您工作,您必须在10天内通知新西兰移民局。但如果该移民员工的签证将在一个月内到期,您则不需要通知新西兰移民局。
  2. 您必须采取合理的措施以确保您招聘的移民员工—

– 符合最低技能门槛;

– 通过工作经验或具备适当的学历来从事这项工作。




如果发生以下情况,雇主认证可能会被撤销 –

  • 在没有合理理由的情况下,雇主未能在10个工作日内向新西兰移民局提供被要求提供的信息或材料; 或者
  • 在没有合理理由的情况下,雇主拒绝新西兰移民局进入进行现场访问; 或者
  • 新西兰移民局对雇主是否继续满足雇主资格要求感到不满意。


请注意,这篇文章不能代替法律建议,您应该与律师根据您的个人情况寻求法律建议。如果您有任何疑问,请联系我们。电子邮件 或致电:03 348 8480.

It can be confusing to know when to engage a lawyer and what the terms of engagement and prices will be. We have answered five questions below to help you and your startup ‘get the ball rolling’.


  1. When should you engage a lawyer and how do you find one that suits you best?

 It is a relatively straight forward process to set up a company and our view is it can be done without a lawyer. However, legal documents such as a company constitution, shareholder’s agreement, term sheets, though you may have questions such as how many shares to issue or who should be a director, subscription agreements, employment contracts, employee stock option plans (ESOPs) and vesting agreements will likely be needed along the way. While these are not compulsory, they are helpful to determine how the company will be governed, the rights and obligations of directors and shareholders and terms of agreement with investors. Without them the Companies Act 1993 applies which may not be suited to your specific circumstances.

Other legal considerations include how to protect your intellectual property (IP), employment matters or which governance structure will suit your start-up best. It is highly advisable to engage a lawyer when seeking to draft these documents as they can explain which parts of the law such as the Companies Act 1993, Privacy Act 2020, or the Employment Relations Act 2000 will be applicable or can be avoided. To read more about these issues see our Free Start Ups Legal Toolkit and Capital Raising Guides here.

There are multiple ways to find the right lawyer for you:

  • Attend industry events or conferences;
  • Get a referral from other founders in your industry;
  • Law firms websites indicate whether they have experience with startups that are similar to you;
  • Ask questions such as whether they have experience in your industry or with other founders in your industry;
  • Ask for clarity on fees. While we do not charge for a first meeting we have heard of other law firms sending a large bill after a first meeting. Have clear communication to avoid surprises.


  1. What are normal terms of engagement?

 The terms of engagement set out lawyer-client responsibilities. The client is to provide accurate information and giving clear instructions. The lawyer must abide by confidentiality, conflict of interest and disclosure requirements. The terms outline the scope of the lawyer’s work and their role including their duties. They will state that you authorise credit checks and due diligence services to verify your identify if required. Engagement terms also set out how fees are calculated, including disbursements such as document service fees, when fees are to be paid and how the firm will hold the funds collected by you. It will also outline how to terminate the engagement, make complaints and indemnity clauses.


  1. What are normal prices and bill services for lawyers?

 Lawyers are under an obligation not to charge more than what is fair and reasonable for services. Fair and reasonable fee factors include the time and labour spent, the skill and specialised knowledge required, the importance, complexity and urgency of the matter, the degree of risk, the possibility it will preclude engagement of the lawyer by other clients, whether the fee is fixed or conditional, quote or estimate of fees, fee agreement, the reasonable cost of running a practice and the fee customarily charged in the market. Generally law firms have a hourly charge out rate for their lawyers. The more senior the lawyer, the higher the hourly charge-out rate. A partner might be between $400-$600, a senior lawyer $250-$400 and a junior lawyer $180-$280 per hour plus GST.


  1. What types of legal fees should you expect?

 The first consultation may be free and the legal fees will vary depending on the complexity of the documents or services you require. The more documents that require drafting, and the more back and forth communications with the lawyer, the higher the costs will be. A complex governance structure will also require more documents drafted. Firms like ours with more experience with startups will have templates to use. If they have worked with startups similar to yours it can reduce the complexity of drafting. Other costs include complying with anti-money-laundering requirements and disbursements.


  1. How can you control costs when raising capital?

 The best way to control costs is to plan ahead. Determine early on which documents your startup will need and which governance structure you want. When you engage a lawyer you can then outline exactly what you need and when you need it by. Identify issues regarding your IP, privacy, employment, insurance, health and safety, due diligence and fundraising. This means you will have considered the right things and can go in with questions. This will reduce the amount of communication needed with your lawyer and reduce costs. You should also ascertain the areas in which you do not need a lawyer, for example incorporating a company or reserving its name.

We have supported many startups to get going and have produced a helpful suite of free information to help startups succeed. Our Startups Legal Toolkit is a practical guide for entrepreneurs in Aotearoa New Zealand. It explains how to set up a company, discusses social enterprises and not-for-profits, fundraising, liability and ongoing duties, employment issues and other useful information.


If you would like to discuss further, please contact one of our team on, or at Parry Field Lawyers


Since 19 September 2022, applications for Investor 1 and Investor 2 visa categories were replaced by a new category: the Active Investor Plus Visa (“AIP Visa”). New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (“NZTE”) has published guidance about the eligibility and what are acceptable investments under the new Visa. The guide was set up to explain this investment program, and to assist deal makers and capital raisings who hope to have deals or funds approved as acceptable investments.

The Government’s aim is to attract experienced and high-value investors to encourage greater economic benefit to New Zealand companies and the economy. The AIP Visa allows experienced investors to add to opportunities for companies and start-ups. You get points toward your visa if you are willing to invest in companies here.

An investor must also have a reasonable command of English to qualify for an AIP Visa (a minimum of Level 5 under the International English Language Testing System or the equivalent). As explained in our article Immigration Changes Overview, “acceptable investments” for an AIP Visa are made between NZ $5 million and $15 million. Different investments carry different weightings for the purposes of an AIP Visa application.

Direct investments

These are direct investments into businesses, and they receive the highest weighting of 3x (every $1 invested counting as $3 towards their visa conditions). In this case, an investment of only $5 million is required.

To qualify as a direct investment, some conditions must be met:

  1. Firstly, a direct investment is an investment in a New Zealand resident entity and privately owned business;
  2. An application for approval may be made either before the AIP Visa applicant makes the investment (classified as a current direct investment), or retrospectively (classified as a historical direct investment);
  3. NZTE will consult an external advisory panel which helps them to determine whether the direct investment meets the AIP Visa eligibility criteria; and
  4. For each direct investment, you must apply and receive and approval letter from NZTE for such direct investment to qualify.

There is no cost to apply for approval as an acceptable direct investment and any decision made by NZTE is final.


Indirect investments

A. Acceptable managed funds

Investments into private funds, such as private equity or venture capital funds are also upweighted but only 2x and an amount of $7.5 million is required (every $1 an investor invests into managed funds, counts as $2 towards their visa conditions).

To qualify as an acceptable managed fund, additional conditions apply :

  1. The fund has to be a New Zealand resident, entity which means:
    • Be incorporated in New Zealand;
    • Have its head office in New Zealand;
    • Have its centre of management in New Zealand; and
    • Have control, by company directors, exercised in New Zealand.
  2. It must meet the criteria in the AIP Visa Immigration New Zealand Instructions. The applicant should provide:
    • Evidence of incorporation in New Zealand from the New Zealand Companies Office;
    • Evidence that the fund manager will be registered on the New Zealand Financial Services Providers Register (per Appendix 15 of the Immigration Instructions);
    • The full legal names and addresses of current directors;
    • A summary of the fund’s background, proposed activities, status, target fund size. It should contain details about how the Managed Fund supports New Zealand being a responsible member of the world community, and demonstrates that the Managed Fund will not invest in anything which may prejudice New Zealand’s reputation;
    • An overview of the investment thesis of the Managed Investment. The application form must detail how the Managed Fund will deliver on the requirements for actual or potential growth of investee entities and/or their contribution to positive social and economic impacts for New Zealand; and
    • A summary of any social, environmental or governance (ESG) policies applicable to the organisation.
  3. Submit an application using the NZTE Investment forms;
  4. Be assessed as an acceptable investment and be added to the Acceptable Managed Fund list maintained and published by NZTE;
  5. Pay the application fee of $1,500 NZD (GST inclusive) per application;
  6. Once the application is submitted, NZTE will provide an invoice for this charge via email.

To qualify as an eligible recipient of Indirect Investment, the applicants must be a New Zealand resident entity that invests in private New Zealand businesses, with no investment in listed equities and/or fixed income assets such as bonds.

NZTE considers whether the Managed funds invests wholly or substantially in entities with a New Zealand connection. A minimum of 70% of the net committed capital must be made available for the investment in entities with a New Zealand connection.

An external advisory panel makes recommendations to NZTE on whether the Managed Fund investments are acceptable. The panel sits monthly and the dates are published online.

Annual re-certification is required to maintain an “Acceptable Managed Fund” status. NZTE will notify any approved managed fund when annual re-certification is required.

 Property is not an acceptable investment, however it can be 20% or less of an exchange traded fund or managed fund’s total assets.

 B. Listed equities and philanthropy

These investments (such as investment in NZX listed companies) do not receive an additional weighting, and each are capped at 50% of the $15m investment requirement. An investor could meet the required investment amount by investing $7.5m into listed equities and $7.5m into eligible philanthropic causes.

Key time periods to consider are:

  • The minimum investment period: the investor should invest across three years and maintain the investment for a further fourth year;
  • The minimum time required in NZ: the investor should spend 117 days in New Zealand across the four-year conditional visa period, or around a month a year; and
  • Despite these requirements, New Zealand is still quite restrictive on home ownership and processing times. It means investing with this sort of wealth might look elsewhere.

We support investors moving to New Zealand so if you would like to discuss further, please contact one of our team at or at Parry Field Lawyers.

While the Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill (“the Bill”) is yet to have its first reading in Parliament, what is apparent on current information is that it could significantly limit the use of employment related restraint of trade clauses in New Zealand, particularly for lower to middle-income earners.

Currently, the starting point with restraints is that they are generally considered contrary to public law, anti-competitive and therefore unenforceable.  Nonetheless, restraints can be valid in certain instances, particularly where an employer has what is known as a legitimate ‘proprietary interest’ and can prove that the restraint is no wider than what is reasonably necessary to protect that interest(s).  For example, an employer is entitled to protect trade secrets and/or a continuing business relationship, so long as it does so in a reasonable manner.

Over the years however, restraints of trade have been used liberally by New Zealand employers and have not infrequently been included for roles which may not in fact warrant them.  In turn, employees have been left in a difficult position when their employment ends, unsure of whether a restraint is enforceable against them and/or if they can or cannot accept a new role which might breach the restraint.

In drafting the Bill, Parliament have recognised a number of issues of public interest, including the two raised above, and has effectively sought to even out the playing field.

This includes:

  • seeking to prohibit the use of restraints for lower and middle-income employees (which would be achieved by providing that such clauses will have no effect if an employee earns less than 3 times the minimum wage); and
  • employers of higher income employees needing to carefully consider whether a restraint clause is actually required and to compensate employees appropriately where a restraint is imposed, both during and following termination (i.e. during the restraint period).

If the Bill passes through Parliament and receives Royal Assent, employers will need to work through a number of matters set out in the Bill where they are proposing that a restraint of trade clause apply to a new employee.  Employers will also need to turn their mind to whether restraints which apply to current employees will be effective and valid on the termination and the potential implications if they are not.


Many start-ups choose to utilise independent contractor agreements, volunteer agreements and/or offer equity to workers as opposed to paying wages, particularly when cash flow is an issue.  However, in the event the legal status of such a worker was challenged in the Employment Relations Authority (the ERA) by the workers themselves, or alternatively, the Labour Inspector, the evidence of the parties’ intentions and/or the existence of a signed agreement stating the worker is not an employee will not suffice from preventing a finding that the worker was in fact an employee.  Rather, the Courts will look to determine the ‘real nature of the relationship’ using several established tests to determine the legal status of the working relationship.

If the ERA found a worker to not be a volunteer or contractor, but an employee, that individual could be entitled to receive all minimum entitlements available to them by law, which include, but are not limited to:

  1. The Minimum Wage (currently $21.20) for each hour the employee worked since the commencement of their employment with the company;
  2. KiwiSaver payments;
  3. Annual leave (four weeks per year, however pro-rated if the employee is not a fulltime worker); and
  4. Sick leave.

Therefore, as raised above, while many start-ups pay their workers in shares or offer other non-waged arrangements, if an employment relationship is later found to exist with those workers, the payment of shares alone will not override the company’s statutory duty as an employer to pay the Minimum Wage + other entitlements owed.

Consequently, directors of start-ups and companies should be aware of the potential legal risks associated with using agreements which may not necessarily truly reflect the nature of the company’s relationship with their workers.  For example, in the event a worker’s relationship with the company was determined to be an employment relationship by the ERA and the relationship had lasted for several years, the remedies available to the employee for Minimum Wage payments alone could result in a not-insignificant sum being awarded to the employee.

In respect of Minimum Wage entitlements, where directors of companies who have in any way been “knowingly concerned” with a breach, or party to a breach of the Minimum Wage Act, can be held personally liable for the breach itself.  Recently, where such breaches have been established by the courts, employees have been permitted to pursue the directors of companies personally for compensation, even where the companies in question had been wound up and liquidated.

Finally, the personal liability of individual founders in start-ups is an interesting question, given that founders usually hold many different roles within their companies, for example, as directors, shareholders, volunteers, employees, contractors, etc. and therefore it can be difficult to assess exactly what type of liability could arise, particularly where there is more than one founder involved in the company.  However, as raised above, what is clear is that if the legal status of a worker in a company becomes an issue, the Courts will look to determine the real nature of the relationship, which could cause issues for start-ups, where for example, there has been an imbalance of work completed between multiple founders and a claim is made against the company.

If you require any assistance regarding anything raised above, please do not hesitate to contact our employment team.

This article is not a substitute for legal advice and you should consult your lawyer about your specific situation. Please feel free to contact us at Parry Field Lawyers.

Do Call Agreements and Volunteer Working Arrangements Automatically Prevent Employment Status Being Confirmed in Religious Settings?

Historically, church ministers have often been provided with call agreements, rather than employment agreements.  Similarly, many churches rely on the use of volunteers on a day-to-day basis to work in a variety of different areas and either use a formal volunteer agreement or have verbal agreements with the individuals concerned.   However, while many consider that a historic legal precedent exists that ensures persons in such roles will be automatically recognised as religious volunteers and therefore cannot legally be recognised as employees, the mere existence of a call or volunteer agreement between a church and an individual will not necessarily preclude an individual or group from arguing or even establishing that they should be legally protected by employment law.


More recently, it has become clear in New Zealand that the Courts are seriously willing to consider whether ministers and volunteers in certain situations could be recognised as employees.


For example, in the 2022 case of Courage v Attorney-General Sued (On Behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Labour Inspectorate) the Employment Court found that while the religious context of a relationship is relevant, it is not determinative, and a presumption against the existence of an employment relationship does not exist in relation to religious individuals carrying out the duties of the Church.  In another recent case from 2017, Below v The Salvation Army New Zealand Trust, the Employment Court, in the context of a religious volunteer working relationship stated there was no presumption operating in New Zealand to restrict classes of workers from employment protection.


In both cases mentioned above, the Employment Court made it clear that automatic legal protection for religious institutions does not exist when it comes to assessing the nature of a working relationships with ministers and volunteers.  Rather, the Courts will first look at the true nature of the relationship and subsequently apply a number of legal tests to determine whether the workers are actually employees.  For example, the Courts will consider:

  1. the amount of control exercised an employee (the greater the control exercised over an individual, the more likely that person is an employee);
  2. whether the worker is “part and parcel” or fundamental to the organisation;
  3. in the event a worker was paid, how the worker was paid and the reason/intention behind payment; and
  4. other relevant factors relating to assisting the court to understand the true nature of the working relationship.

Consequently, while call and volunteer working agreements can be utilised by churches, we suggest that at a minimum, organisations who use such agreements, ensure they are aware of the relevant legal risks, including the possibility of their workers being recognised as employees, and consider getting advice on how the relationship will actually operate in practice and whether that will be more consistent with an employment relationship or not.

It is well established in New Zealand’s employment law that there are certain things employers must do prior to justifiably dismissing an employee.  These things fall into two categories, having a justified reason and following a fair process.  It is not unusual to find cases where an employee’s dismissal is found by the Employment Relations Authority or Employment Court to be unjustified, not because there was no basis to take action against an employee but because the employer’s process was significantly flawed.

For example, in some cases, employers who haven’t sufficiently investigated allegations or given their employee a fair opportunity to explain their side of things, have been found to have breached proper process, which has ultimately resulted in the ERA determining that their dismissal of an employee was unjustified.

However, if an employer has carried out a fair process and ultimately reached a decision to dismiss, are they also required to tell their employee their preliminary decision and give them the chance to feed back on the same, prior to making a final decision?

While there is no obligation in the Employment Relations Act to do so, increasingly preliminary decisions are now seen as best practice, namely employers should provide a preliminary decision to their employees, including all details of any proposed disciplinary action, and allow their employees to give their feedback.

This helps ensure that the employee has had a full opportunity to comment on all relevant matters before a decision is finalised, which not only reduces risks to the employer (for example, they may have misunderstood something the employee said, which might change the employer’s decision) but also promotes good faith between the parties.  Further, it enables the employer to think through their decision and the basis for it, in advance of taking final action, which is then binding on them.

If a preliminary decision is given however, it must not indicate that the employer has already made up their mind, as that will not constitute a genuine opportunity for the employee to provide feedback, including potentially changing the employer’s decision.  In other words, it should convey that the decision is preliminary only and the employer will consider all feedback provided by the employee on it before deciding whether to proceed with the decision or not.  Further, the employer must fully and genuinely consider the employee’s feedback on the preliminary decision before either confirming that decision or advising of a changed decision (such as to only issue a final warning, rather than to dismiss the employee).

In summary, we recommend that, once an investigation (into say misconduct) has concluded and a preliminary decision has been reached:

  • this should initially be sent to an employee in the form of a preliminary decision letter, with the option given to either choose whether the employee’s feedback is provided in writing or in person.
  • a reasonable amount of time is given to the employee between the preliminary decision being provided and feedback being due (this will be fact dependent but usually no less than 24 hours).
  • sufficient time is taken to genuinely consider the feedback, once it is received, prior to making a final decision (again this will be fact specific).

If you require any assistance regarding starting a disciplinary process or advice in respect of making a preliminary decision, please do not hesitate to contact our employment team.

This article is not a substitute for legal advice and you should consult your lawyer about your specific situation. Please feel free to contact us at Parry Field Lawyers:

Looking to hire a contractor but not sure whether they might be an employee instead?  This article looks at the difference between employees and contractors and the tests that are used to help work out which is which.

It’s important to get it right as employees have minimum entitlements, such as the right to receive at least the Minimum Wage; leave entitlements and the right to only be terminated in certain circumstances and subject to a fair process.

What is the difference?

On the face of it, the definition of contractors and employees don’t seem too different.

An employee is a person employed by an employer to do any work for hire or reward under a contract of service (an employment agreement).  It includes a homeworker or a person intending to work but excludes volunteers and certain persons engaged in film production.

A contractor is engaged by a principal to perform services under a contract for services (an independent contractor agreement), earning income by invoicing the principal for their services.

However, where there is a dispute as to whether someone is a contractor or an employee, several legal tests are used to determine the dispute. Each test on its own is not determinative, they all must be assessed together to reach a conclusion.

Intention Test

What the parties intended is relevant to deciding whether the relationship is an employment one.

Generally, intention involves looking at what the parties’ written agreement says. The title of an agreement and specific clauses within an agreement can suggest what the parties intended. Likewise, where an agreement does not have specific clauses is also relevant to intention. For example, an employee’s employment agreement would have clauses relating to leave including sick leave, annual leave, and bereavement leave, whereas this would not be present in a contractor’s agreement.

Control Test

The greater control an employer has over the individual the more likely that individual is an employee. Control will be assessed in relation to work content, hours and methods. Thus, an individual who is set specific tasks to do which must be done in a particular way and whose start times and end times are controlled suggests that they are an employee. If an individual can control their own start times or work on a specific project using their own methods, this is more consistent with a person being a contractor, rather than an employee.

Integration Test

If the work performed by the individual is “fundamental” to the employer, this suggests that the person is an employee.

This is indicated by factors such as team integration, being reimbursed for work-related expenses and wearing a uniform.  Conversely, an individual being paid by results and whose work is not fundamental to the business, but accessory to it, indicates they are a contractor, rather than an employee.

Economic Reality Test  

This test involves looking at the whole working relationship to determine the economic reality.

In particular, a contractor is a person in business on their own account. This means that the individual is not engaged on a continuous basis by one business but is self-employed and contracts out their services to businesses that need them for a particular project or period of time.

A contractor usually charges a fee for their services, whereas an employee is paid a salary or a wage. Employees are entitled to at least the minimum wage, however a contractor can be paid whatever rate is agreed to. An employee’s employer pays PAYE tax and ACC on the employee’s behalf, whereas contractors generally issue invoices setting out their fees and pay their own tax directly to Inland Revenue.

Other factors relevant to the economic reality test include GST registration, the ability to subcontract work, who wears the financial risk in the relationship, and whether the person can work for more than one entity. All those factors are more consistent with a contractor relationship.

Industry Practice

Industry practice can also inform whether an individual is an employee or contractor. While industry practice is not determinative, it can be considered by the Court especially when a custom or practice is well established. It could also help to show the intention of the parties.

Case Example – Employee

Southern Taxis Ltd v Labour Inspector

Southern Taxis Ltd (“STL”) operated a business in Dunedin and employed drivers described as “commission drivers”. The Labour Inspector alleged that four commission drivers were in fact employees and that in some instances they were not paid the minimum wage, holiday pay, sick leave or rest breaks.

The Court had to decide whether the commission drivers were employees or contractors.

Common Intention Test

There were no written agreements between the parties. There was also little evidence of discussions between the parties except that the drivers would be paid 40% of the takings.

Control Test

Each of the drivers operated under a roster which was prepared by STL. The roster would let the drivers know in advance what days of the week they would work and broadly which shift that driver would work. The drivers would have to work the shifts that they were rostered for and their work patterns were similar every week. This suggests a degree of control was imposed over the drivers.

The drivers had to log on and off as well as maintain contact with the dispatcher. A dispatcher would assign work to the drivers and, although the drivers could theoretically decline work, in reality they had no choice if they wished to be paid.

The Court found that the working arrangements of the commission drivers was more controlled than those of independent contractors.

Integration Test

The drivers drove vehicles owned by STL and the company would meet the expenses for the vehicles. Particular clothing was worn by the drivers and the drivers would operate according to a roster.

The Court found that STL relied on the availability of the commission drivers for its business operation. The test supported the conclusion that the commission drivers were employees.

Economic Reality Test

The Court found it was clear that the commission drivers were not in business on their own account as they did not own their own vehicles or pay running costs. They could not subcontract their work.

STL deducted PAYE so the drivers did not make personal tax payments to IR. Furthermore, the drivers were not registered for GST and did not render invoices.

The economic reality test pointed towards the commission drivers being employees.

The result

The Court found that the commission drivers were employees. The employees were paid varying amounts of approximately $13,000 to $32,000 for unpaid entitlements.

Case example – Contractor

Arachchige v Rasier New Zealand Ltd

This case concerned an uber driver, Mr Arachchige. He argued he was an employee of Uber after he was terminated.

Common Intention Test   

There was a services agreement between Uber and Mr Arachchige. This suggests that the relationship was not an employment one. In the agreement it stated that the parties did not have an employment relationship. The services agreement did not require exclusivity of the drivers and there was an lack of clauses expected in an employment agreement, such as performance expectations.

Control Test

Mr Arachchige had a lack of control over his client base and over determining what fare to charge. However, the Court stated Mr Arachchige could charge less than the quoted price but this would have been no value to him, as he had no ability to establish a relationship with the riders and thereby attract future work.

Mr Arachchige could decide to work in peak times and where he would work. He could also choose what car, phone, data plan, insurance and other business support he might use. Mr Arachchige also could share the vehicle with another person to reduce expenses.

Integration Test

Uber drivers carry out work integral to Uber. However, Uber had little control in the way in which drivers carried out their work. This was different from Southern Taxis Ltd where the drivers had little autonomy over the way in which they carried out their business activities.

Economic Reality Test/ Fundamental Test

Mr Arachchige could decide when he undertook his services. He provided all the necessary equipment needed including the vehicle. He was also responsible for his tax obligations.


Mr Arachchige was not an employee of Uber. Thus, he could not claim the rights of employees, such as the right to bring a claim of unjustified dismissal.

Conclusion – Employees vs Contractors

There are various factors to consider when determining whether an individual is an employee or contractor. The Court uses four tests, as well as industry practice, to help answer this question. It is important for employers to get it right because employees are entitled to broader legal rights than contractors, including minimum wage entitlements.

This article is not a substitute for legal advice, and you should consult your lawyer about your specific situation. Please feel free to contact us at Parry Field Lawyers:

Employers have a duty to provide employees with a safe work environment, including from unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature.  Further, if an employee alleges sexual harassment by a co-employee or a customer, the employer must look into the allegation and, if satisfied that it has occurred, must take whatever steps are practicable to prevent any repetition of that behaviour.

In a recent case, the Employment Relations Authority found that an employee had been subject to sexual harassment in the workplace when the employer’s sole director placed a reciprocating sabre saw without the blade attached behind the employee’s bottom and turned it on saying “you would like that wouldn’t you.”

The employee gave evidence that he was offended by the director’s action and felt humiliated.  The director said it was a moment of “friendly banter” and the ERA held that it was likely he did not intend to cause offence because he saw it as a joke.  However, despite this, the ERA accepted that what the director had done was unwelcome and offensive and, although a one off, had a detrimental effect on the employee’s job satisfaction.

Consequently, the employer had not provided the employee with a safe workplace and had unjustifiably disadvantaged the employee.  The employee was awarded $3,000 as compensation.

What is sexual harassment? 

In the employment context, the Human Rights Act and the Employment Relations Act provide statutory definitions for sexual harassment.

An employee will have been sexually harassed in their employment if:

  1. Their employer or a representative of their employer directly or indirectly makes a request of that employee for sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or other form of sexual activity that contains—
    • an implied or overt promise of preferential treatment in that employee’s employment; or
    • an implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in that employee’s employment; or
    • an implied or overt threat about the present or future employment status of that employee; or
  1. A co-employee or customer directly or indirectly makes a request of that employee for sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or other form of sexual activity that contains—
    • an implied or overt promise of preferential treatment in that employee’s employment; or
    • an implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in that employee’s employment; or
    • an implied or overt threat about the present or future employment status of that employee; or
  1. There is:
    • conduct, words, visual material, or behaviour of a sexual nature, for example this could be sexual jokes; sexual videos; physical contact; persistent romantic or sexual requests;
    • which is unwanted, unwelcome or offensive (whether or not that is conveyed to the employer or representative);
    • it has a detrimental effect on the employee’s employment, job performance, or job satisfaction; and
    • whether by an employer, employer’s representative, co-employee or customer.

Under this point 3, while each of these elements must be satisfied, more often than not, it is the second and third points that raise the greatest questions.

In another case, Craig v Slater, the Court had to consider whether Ms MacGregor, a press secretary for Mr Craig, found certain conduct by Mr Craig unwelcome.  The Court held that, where there is a complaint of intentional sexual conduct or language and there is a power imbalance favouring the alleged perpetrator over the complainant, for example a manager and a subordinate, it is reasonable to draw a rebuttable inference that the sexual conduct or language was unwelcome.  In other words, in these circumstances, a Court may infer that certain conduct or language was unwelcome but the alleged “offender” can still disprove this presumption on the evidence.

In the case, therefore, the Court found some of Mr Craig’s actions were unwelcome but others were not.  For example, Mr Craig had sent a letter to Ms MacGregor, which contained statements such as, “ I have never even given you a hug. I actually regret that. There have probably been a couple of times I would have liked to…”.  While the Court found that the letter contained flirtatious elements, on the evidence, it could not be established that Ms MacGregor found the letter unwelcome at the time (even if, subsequently, she considered it was so). This is because, in response to the Craig’s letter, Ms MacGregor texted him, “Thank you so much for your letter”, “Oh dear. Thinking of you…”  and “. .. you really are wonderful. I hope theres (sic) time for me to loosen up your shoulders tomorrow…”

Similarly, in respect to an incident where there was some contact of a sexual nature, while Ms Macgregor gave evidence that the incident caused her to feel “scared and awful”, the Court was unable to accept that, as, following the incident,  Ms MacGregor sent a text to Mr Craig that stated “… you make my heart melt… Love ya. Nanite…”  Further, subsequent texts in the days after showed no antipathy towards Mr Craig and demonstrated that the personal relationship between Mr Craig and Ms MacGregor continued to be intimate.

However, in respect to statements made by Mr Craig to Ms MacGregor of a sexual nature over a subsequent 2 year period, the Court found that there were not welcomed by Ms MacGregor.  This was even though Ms MacGregor did not complain about the behaviour at the time as the Court accepted that Ms MacGregor was concerned about the effect of a complaint on her employment.

When considering the final element of sexual harassment – detrimental effect – the Court held that “In a workplace, professional or social setting, detriment, disadvantage or harm to a person subjected to an (unwelcome/unwanted) intentional sexually oriented act or remark is inherent in the unwelcome, unwanted or offensive nature of the language or behaviour employed”. In other words, where conduct is unwelcome/unwanted, there will be inherent detriment, disadvantage or harm to a person subject to such, such as “having to work in the strained, tense or demeaning atmosphere inevitably created by unwelcome sexual conduct or language.” 

Finally, the Court confirmed that there can be sexual harassment even if an “offender” does not know or intend that their conduct be unwanted or unwelcome or that it would cause or be likely to cause detriment.  Consequently, while intentional conduct or language of a sexual nature is first required, the focus then shifts to the response of, and consequences for, the person subjected to it – did they find it unwelcome/unwanted and did they experience disadvantage from it?

Further, even a one off incident can still constitute sexual harassment, it does not need to be repeated.  Even an isolated incident of sexual harassment in a workplace or professional setting, depending on its severity, could have long-term implications for a continuing work relationship.

Interestingly, while the Court noted that it is implicit in the current statutory definitions of sexual harassment that whether there was sexual harassment requires reference to the circumstances that existed at the time it is alleged to have occurred, the Court also accepted that this may change in light of greater societal awareness of the way in which employees may be disadvantaged by the exploitation of a power imbalance in a workplace.  In other words, an employee, subject to a power imbalance, might not turn their mind to whether certain actions are unwelcome at the time but later, on reflection, consider they were manipulated into a consensual sexual relationship.  That consideration, recognising the possible exploitation of a power imbalance, may therefore result in an extended definition of sexual harassment in the future.


Awareness of possible sexual harassment in the workplace has grown of late, particularly in the context of relationships where there is a power imbalance.  Employers not only need to know what sexual harassment is but also need to take steps to safeguard employees against it.  As a first port of call, employers should have a policy addressing sexual harassment, including what it is, practical guidance to reduce the chances of it occurring, and what employees should do if they believe they have been subject to sexual harassment.  All staff, including managers, should be familiar with this policy, at the start of their employment and throughout it.

This article is not a substitute for legal advice and you should consult your lawyer about your specific situation. Please feel free to contact us at Parry Field Lawyers: